Please find below the Call for Abstracts for the second edition of the World Forum on Climate Justice, which will take place virtually between 21-23 September 2021. We invite proposals for paper presentations, paper sessions and panel sessions. The abstract submission deadline is 14 June.

Not: Students, academics, activists and NGO staff based in DAC countries can apply for a conference fee waiver. These awards (of which there will be at least 50) will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis.  

You can find more details on the conference website at Please direct any queries to 

Important Dates:

Call for Abstracts Opens:                    17 May
Abstract Submission Deadline:           14 June          
Notification of Review Outcome:         23 July
Deadline for accepted authors to
register to confirm attendance:           18 August
Programme Available Online:              Mid-August


It is clear that in order to achieve a climate-just world, we need to address deep-seated societal challenges through transformative change. This year, the 2nd WFCJ will have two leading themes:

  1. Climate Justice & COP26

On the 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement, we need to assess whether and how the global climate governance community can reduce the inequities and injustices of climate change across the planet.

  1. Climate Justice & COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted all aspects of social life, with significant consequences for climate resilience, vulnerability, adaptation and mitigation at global, national and local levels. What can we learn from the pandemic in the pursuit of climate justice, and how has the pandemic affected the lived experiences of climate change?