
The Washington Sea Grant Hershman Fellowship offers a unique educational opportunity for soon-to-graduate or recently finished graduate students engaged in studies pertaining to ocean and coastal policy issues. This one-year, paid marine policy fellowship matches highly motivated, qualified individuals with host agencies, nonprofits or tribes throughout Washington State. The Washington Sea Grant Hershman Fellowship offers students first-hand experiences in crafting marine and natural resource policies and allows them to share their academic expertise with their host offices.

2021 Timeline

  • Early February: Call for Hosts released
  • March 12: Host applications due
  • March 31: Host selection finalized
  • April 8: Fellowship application opens
  • May 3: Fellowship applications due
  • Early June: Finalists selected; applications shared with participating hosts
  • June 22-23: Mandatory host/fellow Matching Workshop in Seattle
  • Week of June 28: Fellowship matches announced
  • September 16: Fellowship begins

The WSG Hershman Fellowship Program, like all WSG programs, is guided by and strives to align with the WSG values and principles of partnerships and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Partnerships are a cornerstone of the Sea Grant model. WSG cultivates partnerships by valuing and engaging the priorities, expertise, capabilities, and participation of diverse partners.

WSG collaborates with international, federal, tribal, state and local governments; local communities; businesses; people from academia; K-12 schools and nongovernmental organizations on a wide variety of marine-related research, engagement and education projects. Furthermore, WSG maintains a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, by pursuing diverse perspectives, and enhancing cultural understanding.

WSG works to create equitable access to resources and opportunities for Washington’s diverse communities and seeks to incorporate their voices and priorities. WSG’s values are informed by environmental justice and are based in a culture of inclusion, respect, long-term engagement and accountability. This commitment shapes our organization and its investments, practices and social interactions including the administration of this fellowship program.

More Information Here: https://wsg.washington.edu/students-teachers/fellowships/wsg-hershman-fellowship-2/