2021 CICOES Graduate Student Fellowship Program

The Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, and Ecosystem Studies (CICOES) requests applications for the 2021 CICOES Graduate Student Fellowship program. This program aims to facilitate graduate student research and the training of next generation NOAA scientists through opportunities to participate in NOAA-relevant research conducted in association with CICOES research scientists, NOAA research scientists, and UW faculty affiliated with NOAA and CICOES.

Specific objectives of this initiative include:

• Enabling existing graduate students to conduct or continue NOAA-relevant studies with emphasis on publishing research results.

• Promoting interactions between CICOES, NOAA, and NOAA-funded scientists and graduate students in the College of the Environment.

• Increasing the number of graduate students that are competitive candidates for NOAA employment opportunities.

To accomplish these objectives CICOES looks to provide:

• One quarter of support that results in a product (e.g. published paper) and includes at least one CICOES PI as a co-author.

• One quarter of support to enable graduate students to complete a thesis or dissertation that address CICOES research themes.

Up to eight Research Assistantships (RA 50% FTE) are available for Spring Quarter 2021, funded by CICOES in conjunction with the College of the Environment. Eligible graduate students include those working in association with and supported by CICOES PIs, those working with NOAA Scientists, and/or those working with CICOES-affiliated UW Faculty. Graduate students in their first year are not eligible to apply.

Application packages are due by March 5, 2021. Availability of additional RA quarters is anticipated and will be announced in the next academic year.

Questions: Contact Collen Marquist at marquist@uw.edu.