We would like to invite you to the second semi-annual PNW-Ocean Sciences Network meeting on Friday, March 5, 2021 from 1:30-3:30pm.  The meeting will be held virtually over Zoom.  It is intended for instructors of non-majors oceanography, marine biology, and other ocean science courses at Pacific Northwest community colleges and four-year institutions.  The objectives of this meeting are to:

  • Continue building community with other ocean science instructors that we met at our first annual meeting at the MaST Center at Highline College in December of 2019
  • Reach out to new instructors, who may feel relatively isolated at their institutions in teaching ocean sciences in the best of times, and may find themselves all the more alone during the pandemic
  • Share remote teaching resources with one another including lab and lecture content, and virtual classroom techniques and tools
  • Create a community of peers that can be a resource to us all.
  • Dream of a future when we return to the classroom and bring the best of what we’ve learned from our remote teaching experiences with us
  • Plan for the future of this organization

There is no cost to this meeting. The only prerequisites are to come with a willingness to share what you have figured out in these nine months of remote teaching and an openness to receiving new ideas.  If you are interested in attending, please fill out this registration form so we can begin to plan break-out rooms and activities: (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfIpMuciVyWGmMPfbMLZ_tS5Nhllyk–oBwJgMsqcZlwl8L3g/viewform)

Closer to the date we will send you a reminder with an agenda for the meeting and a method for sharing resources.

Feel free to distribute this email to colleagues you feel might be interested in the opportunity.  Additionally, even if you can’t attend but hope to participate in future meetings, please fill out the survey so that we add you to our list.

Looking forward to a fruitful afternoon with each of you,

  • Rus Higley, Highline College, Instructor of Marine Biology and Oceanography, Director of the MaST Center, rhigley@highline.edu
  • Jennifer Johns, Chemeketa Community College, Instructor of Marine Biology, Marine Environmental Systems, and Environmental Science, Program Chair for Life Sciences, jennifer.johns@chemeketa.edu
  • Dana Vukajlovich, Bellevue College, Instructor of Geology and Oceanography, Program Chair for Earth and Space Sciences, d.vukajlovich@bellevuecollege.edu