Each spring the YMCA Earth Service Corps hosts an Environmental Symposium with the goal of educating and empowering 150 high school youth about local environmental issues. The Symposium consists of a series of 40-minute workshops encouraging teens to address local environmental issues through meaningful action. At the request of our youth leaders, we are seeking workshop proposals from our many community partners. YESC youth will review the proposals and make workshop selections based on their interests and passions.

This year’s virtual event will be Wednesday, April 21 from 1:00-4:30. Each workshop will be capped at a maximum of 25 high school students, ages 13-18, from schools throughout the Puget Sound region.

We are seeking skills-based, interactive and engaging workshops for this year’s virtual Symposium that educate and excite youth about an environmental topic while developing a tangible skill they can utilize after the event. Attached is a sample proposal and some additional suggestions. Organizations are welcome, and encouraged, to submit multiple workshop proposals. Some workshops may be offered multiple times during the day based on the level of youth interest.

Complete proposals must be received by Sunday, February 28th, 2021. Proposals can be submitted online using this form or returned via email to yesc@seattleymca.org.

If you have questions, or would like further information, please contact me at cwheeler@seattleymca.org or 206.466.1048.