Preparing to apply

The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) is designed primarily for college students who are rising junior and seniors majoring in the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, or geosciences and earth system sciences), engineering, mathematics or the social sciences, who have had some course work in oceanography, biology, or marine and/or environmental science. Applicants should have a desire to spend a summer gaining practical experience in marine and environmental science.

The program consists of a four-week course (June 1 through June 30) and a ten week research project (ending August 5). Welcome and orientation events for the 2021 program will be held May 30 and June 1. Students are expected to participate in orientation and to complete both the course and the internship, all of which take place in Woods Hole.

Application Documents

 – Completion of the online application Now open!

 – Current résumé or CV
– Personal statement
– Transcripts (unofficial is acceptable, official are required upon receiving an offer)
– 2 letters of recommendation (one must be from a faculty member)
– Faculty Letters can be submitted here:

All other Career Professionals can submit Letters here:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Are international students eligible to apply?

Yes. However, while we welcome applications from both US citizens and non-citizens, we do give priority in selection to US citizens.

When will I hear about the status of my application?

We will announce the PEP 2021 class by March 19 with a posting on the PEP website.

I am a graduating senior, or a recent graduate, am I eligible to participate?

Yes. You are eligible to apply and we do sometimes make offers to graduating (or recently graduated) seniors.

How can I consolidate my application attachments into one pdf file?

This can be achieved through a multitude of ways. We suggest adding all application documents to one file and then saving as a single PDF. Here is a guided video for how to compile these files from a Microsoft Word document.

Please be sure to name your pdf file using the format Lastname_Firstname_App_Attachments_2021 and upload it to the attachments page of the application portal.

If you are still experiencing technical difficulties, please send an email to with the subject line “PEP 2021 Application Help – Your name”

How is the pandemic due to COVID-19 affecting the PEP internship?

We will run the 2021 program as a residency program in Woods Hole if conditions allow us to do so safely. If it is not possible to run a residency program, we will offer a virtual program that has all the elements of the traditional residency program. In 2020, we ran a successful virtual program. We expect to announce no later than May 1 whether the 2021 program will be residency or virtual.

Apply here: