International Urban Wildlife Conference May 25-27, 2021

The International Urban Wildlife Conference is going VIRTUAL! This conference will create an interactive forum for urban planners, researchers, city and county staff, students, educators, biologists, and ecologists of all backgrounds from across the globe to highlight research, case studies, policy initiatives, thought exercises, and discussions related to wildlife and natural resources in urban environments. Abstracts for oral presentations, posters, organized symposia and workshops are due by January 22, 2021. The theme for this year’s conference is Changing Narratives. In today’s fast-changing world, we are faced with new challenges daily, now more than ever before. Priority topics include, but are not limited to: • The shift from in-person to virtual engagement, demand for nature access, people connecting with nature, use of virtual resources to connect people with nature • Diversity and inclusion of our audiences and our profession, limitations of our current outreach strategies, engaging underserved communities • Research, case studies, policy, and project design highlighting municipal- based natural resource and wildlife management In addition to these topics, the Urban Wildlife Working Group encourages submissions on any urban wildlife issue, which may include, but are not limited to: • Human Dimensions in Urban Systems • Urban Ecology • Wildlife and Natural Resource Education • Human/Wildlife Conflict Management • Urban Policy and Planning Related to Wildlife and Natural Resources • Wildlife Disease • Urban Wildlife Management • Urban Habitat Restoration • Community Science

Abstract Submission Types


Presentations will be 15 Minute long pre-recorded videos, and authors will participate in a live panel Q/A during the conference. Presenters will have the option to indicate if their abstract is part of an organized symposium.


  • Digital Poster with 3-5-minute pre-recorded audio presentation
  • Digital Poster Only

Organized Symposia

Organizers of proposed symposia will assemble speakers within a common theme and should include their agenda in the abstract description. Presentations will generally be in 15 minute blocks but other requests will be considered.  Options include:

  • Pre-Recorded presentations with a LIVE moderated panel  discussion
  • 2 Hour all LIVE symposia with moderated Q&A
  • 4 Hour all LIVE symposia with moderated Q&A

 For each symposium, the following information will be required:

  • Titles and authors of each presentation noted in the abstract box
  • Each presenter must submit individual abstract submission through this  platform by Jan 22


Organizers of a proposed workshop will have the flexibility to propose customized sessions. Options include:

  •  2 Hour all LIVE workshop
  •  4 Hour all LIVE workshop
  •  Ability to limit the number of attendees if needed (for more engagement)
  •  Ability to have breakout sessions

 Depending on the number of attendees, participants can unmute and/or turn on video cameras if the host enables those features. For each workshop, the following information will be required:

  • Brief description of workshop
  • Titles and authors of each presentation noted in the abstract box
  • Each presenter must submit individual abstracts through this platform
  • Maximum number of attendees if limiting
  • Request for breakout sessions

All presenters must register and pay conference registration fees. Registration will open March 2021

 Questions about abstract submission may be directed to Judit Green at

Submit here: