
Are you looking to help shape the future of the streams and riparian resources within Santa Clara County? Valley Water is looking for an Associate Environmental Planner to help develop the next generation of its successful Stream Maintenance Program. Valley Water operates one of the largest stream maintenance programs in the state and is responsible for over 275 miles of stream corridor located throughout Santa Clara County. The ideal candidate will have experience developing and evaluating large scale public works programs and projects. Experience in the preparation of CEQA analysis for complex projects is desired as well as experience in the preparation and negotiation of state and federal permits including 404, 401 1602 and Section 7.

This position is located in Valley Water’s Operations & Maintenance Environmental Support Unit and will work closely with a cross disciplinary team of ecological, engineering and construction staff to implement our Stream Maintenance Program. The selected candidate will provide technical support to the program as well as provide CEQA analysis and permitting for other operations and maintenance activities occurring within the Watershed Maintenance Division. The position will also oversee the ongoing mitigation and monitoring associated with the program.

We are looking for a collaborative self-starter who can develop creative and durable solutions to the stream stewardship challenges confronting Valley Water in the coming decades. Is this you?Key Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Environmental support for complex Watershed operations and maintenance projects and programs (Primarily the Stream Maintenance Program).
  • QA/QC for CEQA analysis and permitting.
  • Program reporting and mitigation monitoring.
  • Environmental process support.

Ideal Candidate’s Background Includes:
Applicants whose experience and background best match the ideal experience, knowledge, skills, abilities, and education are considered ideal candidates for the position. To determine the top candidates, each applicant will be assessed based on the ideal candidate criteria listed below.

Ideal Experience:

  • Five or more years preparing and processing CEQA and/or NEPA documents, preferably on public utility facilities and projects.
  • Experience developing impact mitigation and successful negotiation of regulatory permits.

Ideal Skills and Abilities:

  • Comply with the regulatory permit processes common in the field of environmental planning.
  • Research and evaluate studies, reports, papers, and related literature used in the field of environmental planning.
  • Assess, mitigate, monitor, and report environmental elements and impacts; evaluate thresholds of significance.
  • Interpret and apply federal, state, and local policies, laws, and regulations, including CEQA and NEPA.
  • Write reports, papers, and business communications used in the field of environmental planning.
  • Prepare clear, informative, and easy to understand documents for public review.
  • Formulate and evaluate proposals, mitigation measures, and alternatives for use in the environmental planning process.
  • Plan, organize, and manage projects, programs, and interdisciplinary teams of various sizes and complexity.
  • Determine the level of CEQA review.
  • Identify internal and external stakeholders in the environmental planning process and build consensus.
  • Represent the District before federal and state regulators, local agencies, and the public.
  • Balance competing District and agency interests, including project objectives, legal, stewardship, political, project objectives, and resources.
  • Recommend and implement policy related to natural resource planning.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • GIS skills preferred.

Ideal Knowledge:

  • Implementing operation and maintenance programs.
  • Methods and techniques of scientific research, analysis, and reporting used in the field of environmental planning.
  • Principles and practices of environmental planning, habitat restoration, natural resources management, and conservation planning.
  • California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and/or National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
  • Field principles, techniques, and practices of natural sciences commonly applied in environmental planning, such as biology, ecology, botany, hydrology, geology, greenhouse gas emissions, air quality, water quality, etc.
  • Principles and practices of project management including planning, scheduling, budgeting, and control.
  • Methods and techniques of environmental impact assessment, mitigation, monitoring, and reporting.
  • Federal, state, and regional permitting regulations, laws, processes, and practices applied in environmental planning and natural resource management, including but not limited to California Department of Fish and Game Code, Federal and California Endangered Species Acts, Clean Water Act, and Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act.
  • Specialist in key aspect of environmental planning and analysis, such as air quality, biological resources, geology/soils, GHG emissions, hydrology/water quality, and habitat conservation planning.

Ideal Training and Education:
Bachelor of Science degree in natural resource management, environmental science, or environmental policy.

Required License or Certificate: Possession of, or ability to obtain, an appropriate, valid California driver’s license. Individuals who do not meet the driver’s license requirement due to a disability will be considered for reasonable accommodation on a case-by-case basis.


For detailed information regarding requirements and qualifications for this opening and to apply online, please see the job posting by clicking on the following link: https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/scvwd

For details, please visit our website: www.valleywater.org