• Job ID: 55479474
  • Location:
    Maine, United States
    Massachusetts, United States
    Connecticut, United States
    New York, United States
    New Jersey, United States
    New Hampshire, United States
    Maryland, United States
  • Company Name: Saltmarsh Habitat & Avian Research Program
  • Occupation: Field Technician
  • Job Duration: 3-6 Months
  • Salary: $12.00 – $15.00 (Hourly Wage)


POINT COUNT TECHNICIANS needed to conduct tidal-marsh bird research along the New England and mid-Atlantic coasts! Technicians will support a large-scale project called SHARP: Saltmarsh Habitat & Avian Research Program, which investigates the status and distribution of tidal-marsh birds along the northeastern US coast. Particular emphasis is placed on Saltmarsh Sparrow, Seaside Sparrow, Nelson’s Sparrow, Willet and Clapper Rail. See www.tidalmarshbirds.org for more information on SHARP.

Technicians will conduct passive and callback point count surveys for marsh birds in selected tidal marshes. Saltmarsh vegetation surveys will also be conducted at each location.  Positions are available in Maine, Massachusetts/New Hampshire, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Maryland.

Housing and vehicles will be provided for all positions. Salary starts at $1,920/month.

All work will be conducted with strict adherence to COVID-19 guidelines set in place by SHARP as well as state and federal regulations.

Positions will begin early May 2021 and conclude late July – early August 2021. To apply, please send a resume and cover letter with three references to: info AT tidalmarshbirds.org.  Jobs open until filled.  Please include “POINT COUNT” and specify desired state/s in subject line of email.


Ideal applicants will have prior experience with point count and callback surveys and will be willing to work long hours in remote marshes under harsh field conditions (biting insects, deep mud and heat).

All applicants must have a valid driver’s license, a good driving record, a good sense of humor and the ability to adjust to varying schedules throughout the field season. Applicants must also have a working knowledge of northeastern bird identification by sight and sound. A general knowledge of marsh vegetation will also be helpful.

Two positions in New Jersey and Maryland require significant motorboat experience; applicants should describe boat experience in their cover letter and include an additional reference that can attest to boating skills.