Greetings everyone,
For anyone who is running environmental internship programs, our non-profit PHLUSH (Public Hygiene Lets Us Stay Human) is looking for student interns.
PHLUSH is a non-profit organization that helps local governments and citizen groups provide equitable public restroom availability and prepare for ecological crises with appropriate ecological toilet systems. We collaborate with civil society organizations, grassroots groups, academic researchers, local government officials, emergency managers, and urban planners to promote sustainable and equitable toilet options for all North Americans. An all-volunteer organization, PHLUSH is a member of the World Toilet Organization and a partner in the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance.


In post-COVID times, our tasks have ramped up, and we’re looking for interns who are interested in learning more about non-profit organizations and critical sanitation justice issues. Individual work plans would be co-tailored with PHLUSH staff and potential tasks include website development, communication, research, grant-writing, fundraising, management, and public advocacy. It would be a great opportunity to gain professional skills and expand networking opportunities in the field of environmental justice.

If you’re interested please contact: