unpaid internship
year round
These projects involve collaboration with Thurston County Steam team, Thurston Conservation District, Capitol Land Trust, and Thurston County Public works, possibly with Salmon Enhancement Group, Squaxin Tribe and periodic work parties with school groups.
*Blackberry removal and replanting along Spurgeon Creek .
*Off Channel research, design, build along Spurgeon in collaboration with Thurston Conservation District.
*Removal of invasive plants including Tansy, blackberry, nonnative hawthorn, reed canary grass and Summer work parties to remove yellow flag iris along the banks of the creek, – a wet wild, fun hot august day event.
*Planting and watering new trees and shrubs along the wetland mitigation area.
*Channelization at Pond overflow ditch and wetland mitigation junction.
*Channelization and at the ditch south of greenhouses from wetland complex to Spurgeon Ck.
*Re build wooden 2 pedestrian bridges over the wetland swale.
Curiosity, appreciation and respect of natural areas and the creatures that live there. Willingness to complete physically demanding work. Interest in teamwork and working with other Olympia natural resource conservation agencies.

Vehicular Transportation.