December 9, 2020, at 12:00 p.m.

Informational presentation about the Knauss, Keystone, Hershman, and Science Communications fellowships.

Students, advisors, and faculty, grab your lunch and join Washington Sea Grant along with program alumni to learn about marine science and policy fellowships that are available to graduate students this coming year.

We will cover the following programs:

  • Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship
    A 12-month marine policy fellowship in Washington, D.C. Work as legislative or executive staff to craft marine policy and laws.
    Learn more
  • Washington Sea Grant Keystone Fellowship
    A 12-month fellowship for diverse, underrepresented graduates exploring marine science, policy and industry careers. Work with agencies, tribes and nonprofits in Washington state.
    Learn more
  •  Washington Sea Grant Hershman Fellowship
    A 12-month marine science and policy fellowship. Working with agencies, tribes and nonprofits in Washington state.
    Learn more 
  • NOAA Coastal Management Fellowship
    (postponed until 2022)
    A two-year fellowship based in coastal states nationwide. Work with a state coastal resources program to develop tools for sustainable coastal communities in a changing world.
    Learn more 

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