The Many Trees Project is planting hundreds of fruit and nut trees in Olympia to develop abundant and regenerative food sources for a changing climate. Fruit and nut trees can live for hundreds of years, providing healthy local food, biodiversity, clean water, carbon sequestration and shade in a climate-changed world. By planting fruit and nut trees and sharing plant propagation and grafting skills, we are helping to create a community resilient to whatever climate change brings.

This year we are focusing on planting hundreds of chestnut, hazelnut, walnut, and heart nut trees that we have propagated from seed. We are looking for homes for all of these trees—front yards, abandoned lots, community gardens, schools, etc.

Want to plant a tree in your yard?
We need people with yards to adopt trees for the long haul. Do you want to make chestnut cake or persimmon pudding in a few years? Or maybe you want to share future abundance with your neighbors, do your part to sequester carbon, provide pollinator habitat, or have a nice shady yard…

Want to help?
We need lots of volunteer help getting trees in the ground this spring, propagating trees for future plantings, grafting, and more. Let us know if you want to help volunteer on a work day, or if you’re interested in sharing skills with the broader community. Maybe you want to teach a grafting class, or a workshop on native foods, or cooking with chestnuts. Whether you’ve got an abundance of time or an abundance of specialized knowledge, we want your help!

We are also actively collecting cuttings, seeds, and space in order to propagate a wider variety of fruit and nut trees for plantings next year. We hope that this project serves as one of many ways for people to connect with each other, share resources, skills, and knowledge, and begin having longer term conversations about how we all want to live together in the future.

Visit The Many Trees Project website at or reach out and email

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2,000 chestnut trees available for planting in November!