Our Mission:

  • Building a diverse, equitable and inclusive environmental movement
  • Transforming environmental philanthropy through collaboration and social justice
  • Opening doors, expanding networks, and building experience in conservation and environmental philanthropy for the diverse leaders and decision makers of tomorrow

The Fellowship:

  • A 12-week paid internship in an environmental nonprofit, philanthropic
    organization or government office
  • Justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion training for the environmental field
  • Ongoing skills training, professional development, and attendance at the Environmental Grantmakers Association Annual Retreat
  • An $11,000 stipend plus travel support

Apply Now: https://efp.seas.umich.edu/apply/


Email us at: seas-efpoffice@umich.edu

Or visit our website at: efp.seas.umich.edu

Applications Open: November 1, 2020

Applications Due: January 15, 2021

The Environmental Fellows Program: a partnership between the Yale University’s School of the Environment and the Environmental Grantmakers
Association provides an engaging summer work experience and professional training for graduate students committed to the principals of equity and
inclusion in the environmental field.

Program activities:
Multiday orientation and summer training:
• Justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion training
• An introduction to environmental grantmaking
• Job skills training
• Cohort building activities
• Regional summer meet ups

12-week summer placement in:
• A mainstream or grassroots environmental or social justice nonprofit
• A philanthropic organization
• An environmental media outlet
• A policy think tank
• A governmental office

Attendance at the Environmental Grantmakers Annual Fall Retreat:
• Network with career professionals
• Understand trends in environmental giving
• Learn from frontline activists
• Present insights from your summer experience

Alumni opportunities:
• Join a cohort of diverse environmental professionals
• Ongoing career mentoring, training and networking
• Participate in the annual New Horizons in Conservation Conference