Water Pollution & Behavior Change

Human beings and the ecosystems we inhabit rely on clean water. This Solution Search contest focuses on unearthing existing and successful solutions that are reducing water pollution by changing behaviors.

Reducing water pollution is critical for protecting aquatic life, ensuring public health, achieving social justice, and fomenting a resilient and thriving economy. Currently, many types of contaminants run through the world’s rivers, streams, basins and oceans, including synthetic chemicals, plastics, nitrates and fecal coliform. Behind each of these different sources lies a chain of people who engage in actions that lead up to the pollution we see today.

Some of these behaviors include littering, dumping raw sewage into fields, depositing industrial waste into waterways, and using and overusing synthetic fertilizers (more examples in the FAQs below). Therefore, solving water pollution will require changing those behaviors that are contributing to it. To achieve this, the traditional tools of information, rules and regulations and financial incentives must be complemented with strategies rooted in behavioral science, including emotional appealssocial influences and choice architecture.

Fortunately, solutions that aim to do just this are already emerging worldwide. This Solution Search is designed to surface, spotlight and accelerate the most promising of these approaches.

We are asking organizations worldwide: How have you promoted behaviors that reduce water pollution?


All finalists attend a capacity-building workshop and awards ceremony with some of the biggest names in conservation, development and behavioral science.

Grand Prize

Two prizes of $25,000 awarded to the Judges’ Choice (selected by our panel) and People’s Choice (recipient of most votes).

Early Entrant Prize

A prize of $5,000 awarded to the best entry received by November 30th, 2020 at 8pm EST.

Environmental Justice Prize

A prize of $10,000 awarded to the best entry that achieves progress on environmental justice and addresses the disproportionate impact of water pollution on communities of color, indigenous groups, and marginalized communities.

Youth Prize

A prize of $10,000 awarded to the best entry that is led by youth (25 years or younger) and highlights the role of young people in powering solutions to water pollution.

Enter Solution Here: https://solutionsearch.org/contests/water-pollution-behavior-change