Topic: Learning Session: Reflecting on effective approaches to research uptake and action

Date: Thursday, 26 November 2020
Time: 08:00 (EST); 13:00 (GMT); 15:00 (SAST); 16:00 (EAT)
Duration: 90 minutes
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Future Climate For Africa (FCFA) invites you to a rich and interactive discussion on the barriers and enablers to effective research uptake and knowledge brokering, and how these lessons can inform improved design models for future programmes.

Despite the widely-documented exposure of lives, livelihoods and assets to rising climate risks in the Global South, the integration of information about those risks into long-term planning and decision-making remains limited. A significant issue within the research uptake and knowledge brokering space is identifying and monitoring the effectiveness of specific approaches with particular stakeholder groups. Through the experiences of Future Climate For Africa (FCFA), the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA) programmes and webinar participants, we hope to share lessons from the success and failures of existing efforts to answer the following questions:

a. What are we learning about effective approaches to research uptake and knowledge brokering?
b. How can uptake and brokering be integrated into the very beginning of projects so that we don’t face the lag effects where impact happens after a project closes?
c. What are opportunities and the limits of focusing on ‘knowledge products’ as a means to achieve impact?
d. What are the common strengths across the programmes that need to be taken forward?

The meeting will provide an overview of the novel approaches from FCFA, CARIAA and CDKN and then engage with participants during interactive breakout sessions to further interrogate how we can strive towards more effective research uptake and knowledge brokering in the future.

Nov 26, 2020 03:00 PM in Johannesburg