Call for abstracts for the 11th Northwest Climate Conference an invitation for submittal of abstracts for oral presentations, poster presentations and special sessions. More info here:

Abstracts are due Friday, November 27

The 11th Northwest Climate Conference will take place online on April 6-8, 2021.

Special Sessions Abstract Submission:

Oral Presentation Abstract Submission:

Poster Abstract Submission:

The Program Committee welcomes submissions on a range of themes and topics related to climate science, impacts, adaptation and management decisions. We welcome presentations on work that links science, decision makers and communities.

The Northwest Climate Conference (NWCC) is committed to building equity and diversity in climate science, policy, and adaptation practice and supporting equitable climate adaptation outcomes. Abstracts related to these topics are strongly encouraged. If you know of organizations involved in this work, please share the call for abstracts with those organizations.

In addition to soliciting presentations that specifically address climate justice and equitable climate outcomes, all submitting authors are asked to consider how their work connects to issues of diversity and equity, and how the conference can better support equity and diversity in climate science, policy, and adaptation practice.

The Program Committee will group abstracts primarily by theme and secondarily by topic. Topics include drought, wildfire, extreme events, coastal flooding, human and ecosystem health and resiliency planning. Topics of broad interest that are approachable for a wide audience are strongly encouraged. Visit the Northwest Climate Conference website ( for more information about themes and topics.

The Northwest Climate Conference provides a unique opportunity to learn from and connect with a diverse community of experts fostering a more climate-resilient Northwest. The event brings together practitioners, scientists, tribal communities and decision makers to share knowledge, ideas and best practices related to climate change science, impacts and adaptation in the Pacific Northwest.