Farm and Kitchen Program Manager 

Common Threads connects kids to healthy food in the garden, in the kitchen, and at the table. We want kids to grow up making food choices that are good for their bodies, their communities, and the environment. Founded in 2007 and based in Bellingham, Washington, Common Threads is a grassroots, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that promotes a “seed to table” approach to food production, good nutrition, and environmental stewardship.  Historically, most of our programs have taken place on public school grounds, during the school day.  Common Threads also runs after-school gardening and cooking programs at schools and low-income apartment complexes, and spring/summer camps at an urban farm site.  During the Covid19 Pandemic, our focus has shifted toward food production and distribution as well as delivery of on-line educational content.

At Common Threads, we are actively committed to social equity and justice and strongly encourage candidates of all racial and gender identities, cultural and economic backgrounds, and of any sexual orientation to apply for employment and service opportunities. Common Threads is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, veteran status, or marital status in employment or the provision of services.


    • Farm Program Manager
      • Directly supervise, evaluate, and support half of our team of AmeriCorps Food Educators (8-12) with support and input from other core administrative staff.
      • Work closely with the Education Program Manager to develop and implement overall training and support for the AmeriCorps team
      • Support and mentor all AmeriCorps Food Educators in management of production/learning gardens via training, garden visits and advising, new garden and garden expansion planning, oversight of school garden crop plans
      • Coordinate procurement of agriculture materials and produce (both purchases and donations) and manage harvest and in-kind donation logs
      • Cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with local farmers
      • Directly coordinate volunteers during summer months, and support AmeriCorps members in managing school garden volunteers throughout the growing season
    • Kitchen Program Manager
      • COVID-19 Revised Cafeteria / In Classroom Service Model  SY20/21 
        • Work closely with Common Threads’ core team and Food Services Culinary Program Supervisor to identify and implement opportunities for Common Threads Food Educators to support COVID-19 safe school meals
      • Cooking program/School Food Liaison 
        • Train and support AmeriCorps members for cooking in classrooms and online cooking lessons
        • Collaborate with Education Program Manager to improve cooking curriculum
        • Support procurement, storage, distribution of food for classroom cooking programs run by Common Threads
        • Work closely with School District Food Services and Common Threads staff to align gardening, classroom cooking, cafeteria taste-testing and school lunch menu
        • Farm to Freezer (grant funded, time bound component of position): Work closely with Food Services and Common Threads’ core team to coordinate production schedule
  • Communications /Community Relations
        • In conjunction with Common Threads’ Executive Director, serve as a liaison for communications between district Food Services and Common Threads – identifying and acting on opportunities for closer partnership and alignment
  • Serve as a member of Common Threads’ core leadership (Perennial) team

Skills and Qualifications

  • Passion for and understanding of Common Threads’ mission and programs
  • Experience managing a team using inclusive and equity minded practices
  • Agricultural training and experience
  • Experience with and passion for teaching/mentoring in a farm/garden setting
  • Formal culinary training and experience in production kitchens or school meals a plus
  • Self-starter, detail oriented, organized, communicative, flexible, collaborative, reliable, able to prioritize multiple tasks and meet deadlines in a fast-paced and dynamic work environment
  • Physical stamina and excellent “people skills”
  • Able to work as part of a small and close-knit team: coordinate, collaborate and delegate as appropriate
  • Strong written and spoken communication skills
  • Legacy/sustainability oriented – strong documentation and record-keeping skills

Hours and Compensation

  • Full Time (defined as 35+ hours/week)
  • 95% dental and medical premiums for employees (employees may add dependents at their own expense)
  • 3% retirement match  
  • Starting salary $32760 with annual performance and cost of living increases

To Apply

  • Send resume, cover letter, and two references to Common Threads: and fill out this demographic survey (optional)
  • Applications accepted until position is filled, guaranteed review of application submitted by November 13, 2020 with an ideal start date of December 1, 2020