King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) is pleased to announce a request for proposal for the RainWise Outreach Grant Program to provide funding for non-profit organizations and small businesses to help with promotion and community engagement for the RainWise program.

We are now accepting grant applications . The application deadline is midnight Sunday, November 15, 2020.

The RainWise program is a King County WTD and Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) partnership to address stormwater pollution and combined sewer overflows by offering rebates to private property owners who install rain gardens and cisterns to manage the rain that falls on their property. This grant program will fund efforts in King County’s combined sewer overflow basins . More information on RainWise can be found at

Eligibility: The following organizations are encouraged to apply:

  • 501 (c) (3) non-profit organizations
  • businesses that are certified as a Small Contractor and Supplier with King County’s Business Development and Contract Compliance office and self-identify as a woman or minority-owned business.

Grants are being sought to accomplish goals in five Program Areas below.

  1. Embed equity and social justice in RainWise outreach and program delivery
  2. Provide innovative and effective virtual engagement in the time of COVID
  3. Conduct outreach, marketing and customer support to interested residential property owners in eligible King County RainWise basins
  4. Execute outreach, marketing and customer support to RainWise Big Roof property owners in King County RainWise basins
  5. Green Stormwater Infrastructure education and job training

For more information contact