Job Type Unpaid
Salary Details Unpaid – Startup

Mature and old growth forests in Western Washington are rapidly disappearing, as the State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) auctions them off to logging companies with virtually no oversight, public input, or media awareness. Most people are surprised that this is happening in a liberal state where the Governor ran for President as the candidate who was best qualified to address global warming. Citizens for Responsible Forestry is an all-volunteer organization that is dedicated to stopping the senseless clearcutting of these last few remaining natural forests, and preventing them from being converted to commercial tree plantations.

We are working to accomplish this goal using a four-tiered approach:

– Public awareness campaign focused on individual timber sales
– Participation in the SEPA review process
– Development of an alternative management strategy for state forestlands
– Direct negotiations with DNR

We are looking for a development director with experience in the nonprofit sector to help oversee administrative functions, and create and implement a plan to generate funding to support our activities.

Responsibilities may include:

– Work with the executive director to identify and reach out to potential board members
– Identify funding sources such as grants, in-kind donations, charitable events and marketing opportunities
– Identify and cultivate relationships with individual and corporate sponsors
– Oversee the administration of the nonprofit organization
– Ensure annual filings and licenses are complete and current
– Maintain legal and financial records
– Submit tax payments and records as required by law

Preferred Qualifications:

– Knowledge of nonprofit organization administrative functions
– Experience managing nonprofit organizations
– Self-motivated
– Positive attitude in all interactions with staff, board members, and the general public
– Interest in forest ecology and the Pacific Northwest
– Dedication to forest conservation

For more information visit us on Facebook:

Citizens for Responsible Forestry


Please contact Stephen Kropp, Director, at for more information.