MES Thesis

Supporting MES Thesis Students at Evergreen

Thesis Project Ideas with Swinomish Department of Environmental Protection

Water Quality: Shannon B. Stewart, Nicole J. Casper Note: These projects could be combined, if the candidate feels they could complete both in the given period. The PIC Dashboard project would be prioritized first. 1. GIS Dashboard for Pollution Identification… Continue Reading →

Thesis Projects from MES Alumi

I attended college there amd would love to share what i’ve been working on. I’d really like to apply for one of several grants out there related to wildlife but really some would be ideally suited for student projecdts 1) FSC certification by… Continue Reading →

Thesis Projects with the Nature Conservancy and Conservation Data Lab

There are a couple projects that need fire severity mapping completed, one in Guatemala and another in India.  These would use landsat data, and I’m pretty sure there are good tutorials for doing this.  Another just came up mapping wildfire… Continue Reading →

Thesis Projects with Thurston Regional Planning Council

Connections between land use and transportation – especially transit, bicycle, and pedestrian networks, and electric vehicles. TRPC has extensive local population, housing, economic, environmental, and land use data and mapping information available for free. Most info can be downloaded from… Continue Reading →

Thesis Projects with Rights of Nature Initiative (RONI)

At RONI we are dedicated to empowering Washington state communities to protect and defend the environment through education on the Rights of Nature, using direct democracy to enact local legislation that recognizes and upholds these rights, and enforcing Rights of… Continue Reading →

Thesis Projects with Cascadia Research Collective

Cascadia Research is a private non-profit research organization founded in 1979. Cascadia receives grants and contracts, primarily from government agencies, to pursue research primarily on marine mammals. Cascadia also makes educational presentations to a variety of audiences; from technical talks… Continue Reading →

Thesis Projects with the Center for Climate Action and Sustainability

Campus Land stewardship: The Evergreen geoduck beach’s concrete bulkhead removal and salmon restoration, shellfish gardens, trail access policy, and replacing grass strips with bioregional plants. On-Site Campus Renewable Energy Feasibility Studies: ground-source heating, solar arrays, anaerobic digesters, and solar thermal… Continue Reading →

Thesis Projects with Washington Department of Transportation

WSDOT is interested in working with MES graduate students to analyze wildlife use of bridges, culverts, and areas adjacent to the highway, producing summary statistics to further our understanding of wildlife activity patterns in the vicinity of highways. Contact: Marisa… Continue Reading →

Thesis Projects with JBLM Fish and Wildlife

JBLM has many opportunities for thesis work, some areas of study are: Ecosystem restoration                                          • Prairie/grassland• Oak woodland/savannah• Forest• WetlandSpecies• Streaked horned lark• Taylor’s checkerspot butterfly• Mazama pocket gopher• Western grey squirrel• Oregon vesper sparrow• Hoary elfin butterfly• Puget blue butterfly•… Continue Reading →

Thesis Projects with City of Federal Way

-Recycling Programs- multifamily contamination reduction, collecting data and providing outreach for residents on how to properly recycle-Recycling Ambassadors- training residents and students on how to be recycling ambassadors, creating programs and outreach for underserved populations.-Grants Management- supporting Environmental Services team… Continue Reading →

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