• Mediaworks has space and is open for registration. You no longer need to complete an application to register for Mediaworks. Students who do register will be asked to fill out the form linked below at the beginning of fall quarter.
  • Evergreen Media Internship applications are closed.
  • SOS: Advanced Media Projects has openings for Spring Quarter. Please fill out the application form linked below.

Hello! We’re excited that you’re interested in Evergreen’s current media-intensive offerings! These are the 3 year-long, full-time programs that start in Fall 2021: Mediaworks, SOS: Advanced Media Projects, and the Evergreen Media Internships.

Please be sure to review the description of each program by clicking the links below and apply for the program that is the best fit for you.

If you’re interested in Mediaworks and SOS 2021-22 and are not sure which is the best fit for you, we strongly encourage you to come to Mentoring Day and the Academic Fair on Wednesday May 19, 2021 to learn more about the media curriculum. If you aren’t able to attend, you are welcome to contact faculty via email to ask questions. 

For full information, please read through to the bottom of this page! The link to the application for SOS: Advanced Media Projects is at the bottom of this page. The link to the Media Internships application is linked below.

Mediaworks: Experimental and Documentary Approaches to the Moving Image – Sophomore-Senior

Julia Zay (experimental media, visual art) – jzay@evergreen.edu

Suree Towfighnia (documentary film) – towfighs@evergreen.edu

SOS: Advanced Media Projects – Junior-Senior

Laurie Meeker, spring (film/video, documentary, media studies) meekerl@evergreen.edu

Julie Levin Russo, fall/winter (media studies, media arts) – russoj@evergreen.edu 

Evergreen Media Internships – Junior-Senior

This program has its own application; visit the link above for more information.

Julie Levin Russo (media studies, media arts) – russoj@evergreen.edu 

Vito Valera (Associate Director of Media Services) – vito.valera@evergreen.edu 

These programs will meet in-person at least one day a week at the Olympia campus, with increasing opportunities for in-person learning as conditions permit. Regular attendance is required, and classes on campus will adhere to COVID safety protocols. Students will participate remotely (both synchronously and asynchronously) in other scheduled activities.

If you are a first-year student as of Fall 2021 (with under 48 college credits earned) and you’re interested in studying media in a full-time program, we recommend this interdisciplinary program (open to first-year and sophomores), which does not require an application or signature to register:

Diversity and Dissent in Education and the Media

Laurie Meeker (film and media production; media theory) – meekerl@evergreen.edu

Grace Huerta (educational policy studies, qualitative research methods)

More about MEDIAWORKS (our foundations program) 

We will focus on nonfiction media, which encompasses experimental and documentary forms. Through hands-on practice, we will gain experience with the tools and materials of analog and digital media formats; the distinctive qualities of photography; animated and live-action imagery; and documentary forms. Building skills in audio recording and composition, we will also learn how to make images and sounds work together to communicate effectively. Class sessions will include lectures and screenings; conceptual, technical, and writing workshops; seminars; and critiques. Students will develop media skills as they work through a series of collaborative and individual assignments. The prompts and parameters of these assignments will encourage: experimentation and risk-taking; skill development; and the exploration of themes and issues in our readings and screenings. As a culmination of your learning, in the spring quarter you will research, draft a proposal for, and create an individual or collaborative short-form nonfiction media project in film, video, animation, audio, installation, or performance. In place of a project, you will have the opportunity to pursue an internship that you research and apply for independently. 

Prerequisites for Mediaworks

  • No signature/application required
  • 48 college credits posted to transcript by the start of fall quarter 2021 (full sophomore standing). 
  • Successful completion of at least two quarters of college-level studies spanning multiple disciplines. This could be satisfied by Evergreen interdisciplinary programs or classes at Evergreen or elsewhere that provide breadth.  
  • Intermediate college-level reading, writing and critical thinking skills. 
  • No previous experience with media is required. The program will be scaled to meet and challenge you at whatever media skill level you enter 


A Student-Originated Studies program (SOS) at Evergreen offers an opportunity for self-directed work in dialogue with a cohort of other students. In Advanced Media Projects, students prepared for intensive study of the theory and practice of media will pursue capstone projects in film, video, animation, installation, and other audiovisual modes in a directed and supportive learning community. Students in this SOS will develop media projects with input and support from the faculty member and peers, and participate in collaborative class sessions. A wide range of projects and genres is possible, as long as you demonstrate a strong foundation for potential success in that genre. Past advanced students have created capstone work in traditional interview-based documentary, participatory/community documentary, experimental film/video, experimental narrative, essayistic video, audio projects, animation, political remix video, online series, and interactive new media. Students are expected to gain advanced production or technical skills by building on existing skills; undertaking wholly new areas of media practice is not recommended, and would require you to organize resources for independent study.

This program is for students with a substantive background in media arts, broadly conceived (film, video, audio, animation, interactive games, etc.). Students must meet the prerequisites for Mediaworks above and, in addition, demonstrate at least 32 credits of Mediaworks or comparable in-depth study of the history, theory, and practice of media arts. Students who have not successfully completed a substantial self-directed individual or collaborative project will not be well-prepared for this program.

SOS: Media Application Deadlines, Acceptance, and Registration

Process for Spring 2022:

Applications will be accepted until the program is full. Please fill out the following application to be considered for acceptance into this program:

To apply for Spring SOS: Advanced Media Projects, fill out this form: https://forms.gle/niAnJCKKX48wr2iJ7 

Process for fall 2021

Initial review of SOS: Media applications begins after May 21, and students who apply by that date will be notified of their status by May 24 (beginning of registration week). Afterwards, we continue to accept applications on a rolling basis. 

Applications received May 22-June 6 will be notified of their status within 1 week.

Applications received after June 6 will be notified of their status within 1 month, and before September 20. Please be aware that faculty are not on contract from mid-June to mid-August, and responses to any inquiries over the summer may be delayed.

We will contact applicants at the email address you provide on the form. Your student ID number (A#) is required so we can enter an electronic “signature” that will allow you to register online. If you are new to Evergreen, you may not yet have a student ID #, and you can indicate this on your application.  

We invite and strongly encourage you to come to Mentoring Day and the Academic Fair on Wednesday May 19, 2021 to talk to faculty and current students to learn more about Evergreen’s media curriculum. We can answer your questions there! 

To apply for SOS: Advanced Media Projects, fill out this form: https://forms.gle/niAnJCKKX48wr2iJ7