Molly Zuckerman-Hartung is a painter, writer and teacher who grew up in Olympia, Washington (attended TESC), and participated in Riot Grrl in her formative years (the 1990s.) Now she is working and grocery shopping and taking walks in Connecticut with her girlfriend and dog. She is an autodidact who is opening her attention to pattern and repetition, difference, learning, feedback loops, nostalgia, dolls, Victorian collage and textiles, John Coltrane and Miles Davis, Gees Bend quilts, the effects of soul lag on humans, high theory, low theory, kitsch, Modernism, affect theory, coloring crayons, tissue paper, the parergon, tactility, Elizabeth Bishop, the color of the light in the bare woods, and the emotional landscapes of students, friends, colleagues and strangers alongside whom she lives.

Also, she is a full time Lecturer in Yale School of Art, Department of Painting and Printmaking. She has shown at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, The Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, The 2014 Whitney Biennial, The Program at ReMap in Athens, Greece, Kadel Willborn in Karlsruhe, Germany and many many others. In 2013, she received a Louis Comfort Tiffany Award. She is a frequent guest lecturer at many schools across the country, including, in the past year, Princeton University, The University of Texas at Austin, University of Indiana at Bloomington, University of Alabama, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago Low Residency Program, and Columbia University, She is represented by Corbett vs Dempsey in Chicago and Rachel Uffner Gallery in NYC.

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