Here are a few of the fantastic collaborators that we’ve been fortunate to have on our team!
Shannon Claeson (USFS Aquatic Ecologist; @ForestServiceNW) has been working at Mount St. Helens for over 10 years and collaborating with us for the past five years. She brings expertise in aquatic insect taxonomy and ecology to the team.
Dr. Debra Finn (@streambug) is an assistant professor at Missouri State University (@MissouriState) and collaborates with us on hyporheic flows, stonefly secondary production, and invertebrate genetics. She received an NSF-ROA extension grant to collaborate with our team!
Joy Ramstack Hobbs is a limnologist from the Science Museum of Minnesota/St. Croix Watershed Research Station and is senior personnel on the NSF EAGER grant. Joy provides expertise in phycology, statistics and undergraduate training and been a great collaborator the past 2 years!