
Freshwater Ecology Lab

Carri LeRoy has been a member of the faculty at The Evergreen State College since 2006. She completed her Ph.D. in Biology (Freshwater Ecology) in 2005 at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ and a Masters in Liberal Studies (Environmental Education) in 2001.

Carri is a freshwater ecologist and her research focuses on how riparian forests interact with streams and provide energy through leaf litterfall. Her research has shown that species diversity, genetic diversity, phylogeny, and plant sex can all influence litter inputs and affect in-stream leaf litter decomposition rates, aquatic fungi, bacteria, and aquatic macroinvertebrates.

Her current research focuses on how leaf litter decomposition is influenced by terrestrial factors like land use, microplastic contamination, herbivores, nutrient deposition, and plant sex. She has also studied how leaf litter and salmon carcass inputs interact, what drives global patterns of leaf litter decomposition, how streams have developed in the 41 years since the eruption of Mt St Helens, and how endophyte infections can alter phytochemistry and leaf litter dynamics. Other topics she is interested in include: ecological genetics, sustainable practices, sci-art linkages, and issues of women and underrepresented groups in the sciences.

Wundergrad Blog site!

Check out our undergraduate student-centered Blog posts from 2019-2022! – LeRoy Leaf Litter (L3) Lab