Kept Out || Kept In


January 14 – March 2nd, 2016

Prison Obscura-8A series of exhibits and lectures focused on social and economic inequality and the prison-industrial complex.

Kept Out/Kept In extends ongoing college-wide inquiries concerning social justice, social inequalities, and race and racism. Taking place throughout the 2016 winter quarter, this cluster of exhibits and events concentrates on the interface of social and economic inequality within the prison-industrial complex. Kept Out/Kept In references the social and economic structures that restrict access to economic advancement and social well-being, and the physical walls and bars that enforce incarceration. It invites critical investigation of the relationships among the invisible and visible structures that delimit, channel, regulate, segregate, and punish members of our society with discriminatory race- and class-based accelerations. Kept Out/Kept In offers direct support to coordinated studies programs, creating opportunities for teaching and learning across programs and across campuses.