You once told me

You wanted to find

Yourself in the world –

And I told you to

First apply within

To discover the world

within you.

Suzy Kassem

My name is Zoe DeWitt and for most of my time at Evergreen, I felt lost. Being lost doesn’t have to be a bad thing; without a clear path ahead of me, I had the freedom to explore and follow every thread of inspiration that presented itself to me. My educational path was full of bumps and curves and rabbit holes I never expected to fall down. It allowed me to answer the questions which I arrived at this college with: Who do I want to be and what am I most passionate about? How do I learn the best?

Through a wide variety of personal passion projects in the form of ILC’s, Evergreen gave me the ability to explore my interests in ways that best fit my needs as a learner. I was able to craft hands-on experiences for myself that allowed me to dive deep into agriculture, food systems, herbalism, and nature connection, the topics I was most drawn to during my time here. Through these projects, I was able to create a path for myself that might seem disorganized at first glance, but that allowed me to best chase those threads of inspiration, and later, weave them together to create something beautiful.

Explore my educational path:

My Terroir/Meroir program websites, exploring the world of taste and place:

My ILC titled Natural Dyes: From Plant to Product which explored the world of natural dyeing:

My herb garden websites from the Taste: What We Hunger For program and from my herb garden internship in the Spring of 2022 in which I explore herb garden maintenance and herbal medicine-making:

My ILC titled Adventures in WWOOFing: Moon Valley Organics Herb Farm in which I documented my experience as a WWOOFer at a commercial herb farm:

My ILC titled Right Where I Belong: Finding Self Within Nature in which I documented my experience participating in The Immersion at Wilderness Awareness School:

My ILC titled Gardening with Gratitude: A Summer on John’s Island in which I documented my experience as Garden Instructor at Camp Nor’wester:

A collage representing my journey with nature connection