
In this one-quarter program entitled School Garden Field Trips the student will be teaching and helping to lead this year’s round of School Garden Field Trips through the Thurston County Food Bank. A program designed to provide equitable access to environmental education to low-income communities. These field trips are centered in the garden and around growing and producing food as well as connecting students to nature. The student will be training as well as organizing and learning curriculum throughout the first two weeks of the quarter then through weeks 8-10 will be teaching field trips three days a week. The teaching group is working with a local elementary school and will be progressively moving through age groups, starting with kindergarten through sixth grade. This will provide a great opportunity to work with various age groups and learn how to teach different developmental stages. Throughout the quarter the student will be working extensively with program and learning about various other aspects of the Food Bank as well as having opportunities to volunteer in classroom settings.

Project Website:



In this one-quarter program entitled Alamere Herbs the student will be spending the spring quarter growing four medicinal herbs on Alamere Herb’s Farm. Calendula officinalis, Scutellaria lateriflora, Avena sativa, Arnica montana. The student will be preparing beds and documenting the growth of each. The student will research best growing practices as well as the medicinal properties of each herb throughout the quarter. The end goal is to produce medicine with the plants that are ready for harvest at the end of the quarter, with a tincture press available at Alamere Herbs as well as infused oils. The student will also be learning about greenhouse and propagation work through their sponsor. The main learning objective is to learn both about the production and growing side of herbs along with the production and crafting of medicines. Another learning goal is to learn about how to sell and market herbal products.

Project Website:
