This internship with Thurston Conservation District is designed to be a community-based learning experience where the student will assist in bringing educational programs and conservation volunteer experiences to adults and youth in Thurston County. Activities the student will assist Education and Outreach staff with include general outreach activities and information distribution, volunteer recruitment, public communications, and planning and coordination for events such as the annual South Sound Regional Envirothon competition for high school students.
In support of her learning goals, the student will write weekly blog posts on an ePortfolio with personal reflections and connections between internship experience and reading materials. Texts to be studied include: Farm (and Other F Words): The Rise and Fall of the Small Family Farm by Sarah K. Mock, The Farm as Natural Habitat edited by Dana L. Jackson and Laura L. Jackson, Nature’s Matrix by Ivette Perfecto, John Vandermeer, and Angus Wright, The Farm Bill: A Citizen’s Guide by Dan Imhoff and Christina Badaracco, and Aldo Leopold and the Ecological Conscience.
Project Website: