Capstone Projects in Food and Agriculture

The Evergreen State College


Amy G.

Flavor and Function: A Historical and Cultural Exploration of Food

Abstract: This project will explore the history and cultural implications of different foods and their origins due to their flavor (sensory enjoyability) or function (value to the society at a given point in history) through week-long projects intended to provide… Continue Reading →

Fundraising Event Coordination & Critical Eating Studies

Abstract: This quarter I will be continuing to deepen my understanding of the social and ecological implications of our food systems through the lens of critical eating studies. I will explore how we can disturb the “business as usual” foodie mindset. I… Continue Reading →

Marketing the Evergreen Terroir

Food- and agriculture-based programs at Evergreen are strong and have inspired hundreds of small farmers and entrepreneurs, and our campus’s sustainable energy and food procurement is some of the best. Despite the brilliant work being done, the college website and outward promotion of these activities remain outdated and insufficient.

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