Fall Wine Case Study Assignment
Component 1: Banner Box: Title and Logo
Create your own variation on the Case Study banner, including the logo. Begin by following this link to see where our Computer Center Tech Specialist, Amy Greene, was asked to begin her design process for our staff-faculty template website:
If “terruno” is what Fernando Buscema thinks will promote the terroir of Argentinian wine, what will promote your understanding of the terroir of grapes/wine ? You may create your own variation of things you find here as Amy did using Photoshop (or as Sarah did for our Canvas program logo). Or, you may design something different and specific to each of our case studies. Certainly grape/wine products come in a bottle… your assignment is to create an aesthetically appealing and intellectually accurate logo that makes visually apparent the components of terroir you think are critical to grapes/wine (as you did with chocolate and later will with coffee, etc.).
Component 2: Permaculture and Wine/grapes
This component of the Case Study assignment asks each group to create short written explorations of the following disciplinary perspectives as they relate to grapes/wine and terroir. Your text should be 200-250 words for each of the four required perspectives, plus 200-250 words for your choice of a fifth perspective. Please use notes and insight from the alumni lectures and tasting labs as springboards for your “Business” perspective. Similarly, notes and insight from the Anthropocene and Art Lectures Series should be referenced as springboards if you choose as your optional perspectives “art” or “climate.” Include a minimum of one image that illustrates your text for each perspective. Maps, graphs, and charts are encouraged. Include a caption with image attribution for each visual resource. Include at least two references, fully cited, one of which can be a program text.
2a) Required Disciplinary Perspectives:
i) Cultural Studies, ii) Geology/Soils, iii) Natural History, iv) Business (entrepreneurship, marketing and advertising, product development, economics, labor, or consumer relations as considered in relation to alumni lectures and tastings in class and during field trips).
2b) Choices for 5th Perspective: literature, art, agriculture, labor, colonial history, gender studies, geography, climate change, anthropocene, music, philosophy.
2c) The final part of this component is the Integrative Question. Answer this question, also in 200-250 words, including at least 1 image and 2 fully cited references.
Integrative Question: Using a permaculture design lens, outline an ideal grapes/wine production and distribution system that integrates all disciplinary learning to satisfy the ethics of earth care, people care and fair share.
*Note: References should be peer-reviewed journal articles when available and appropriate, then books, then websites. Include references for all electronic resources. We’ll be learning Zotero in this program to generate electronic bibliographies, which we’ll link to our websites.
Component 3: Field Study
3a) On your website complete the table of your group’s 3 favorite insights from Kevin Pogue/ (day, time, and location)
3b) Create a post that includes a table of your group’s 4 favorite site visits (eg. places) that best encapsulate how one would learn/study different aspects of terroir (include: day and time, location and site type, farmer/vintner/etc., aspects of terroir “exposed” at this site)
3c) Conduct two interviews with group members regarding their experiences of terroir, one of which MUST be recorded (at least 1 minute excerpted to be posted to your website).
3d) Create a post of the favorite wine-related thing you tasted. Describe what it was in detail. Next, describe WHY this was your favorite taste. To build on Escher’s “The Pale Yellow Glove” and Proust’s “The Madeleine” in The Taste Culture Reader as examples, please enjoy reading Roald Dahl’s short story “Taste.” (PDF on Canvas) These three pieces of highly crafted “tasting” demonstrate possibilities for writing that makes present a key component of taste: the objectivities of human subjectivity (foibles and all).
3e) The Business of Wine: Walla Walla. In this component provide images and text that demonstrate what you learned during your Main Street and/or Airport participant-observation about the significance of the wine business for Walla Walla. In particular, and based on your experience, please address how “terroir” is being used to increase value, establish authenticity, vintage, gastronomic pleasure, and a sense of place in relationship to the business aspects of selling Walla Walla wine.
Component 4: Terroir + _____ (wine/grapes)
4a) What is your group’s preferred definition of “terroir”? Answer in under 50 words and cite who you borrowed ideas from. Add your references to the “Terroir and Wine” Zotero cumulative bibliography located in the website sidebar.
4b) Now that you have tasted different grapes/wines, can you attribute the taste differences to terroir? Explain why or why not and do so in a way that convinces your reader. Your goal is to write in such a way that your reader experiences through your words the experience you had (or didn’t have) of the terroir of grapes/wines. Again, limit your writing to 75- 125 words.
Component 5: Terroir Case Study Cumulative Bibliography
The cumulative bibliography is where each group adds resources regarding the terroir of grapes/wines using zotero. Paul McMillan, one of TESC’s Librarians, will be facilitating two zotero workshops, weeks 6 and 7. If zotero is new to you, you may simply type in your bibliographic resources for grapes/wines, then convert them into zotero later in the quarter or if you choose to revisit grapes/wines in winter quarter.
Component 6: Instagram
A gallery of your group’s Instagram photos from your field studies can be displayed on your website. However, if your images contain people, only images of people who have signed your Media Release Form or have agreed through faculty arrangement (announced of applicable) may be displayed on your website using Instagram. You’ll learn how to use Instagram and its photo editing features in our Thursday Tech Workshops.