In this program you will have three main written assignments and several smaller ones as they come up. No late essays will be accepted. All written assignments should be typed, double-spaced, with 1” margins, size 12 font, with your name in the upper right corner. Create a title for your essay; it will help you to focus. Be sure that you include an introductory paragraph that says what you are planning to discuss and what examples you will be using. Your conclusion should reiterate and emphasize what you have discussed, and should tie both to your introductory paragraph and your title. When you have decided that it is your best work, e-mail it to your seminar faculty (see our e-mail addresses on p.1 of the syllabus).

  1. Weekly seminar papers. Turn in a page each week with three observations, ideas, or questions drawn from the seminar reading. These will not be returned to you, but they will be recorded toward credit earned. This exercise is geared toward enhancing your participation in seminar. Bring these to seminar so that you have something to discuss, whether you are called on directly or not.
  2. DUE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11: Locate, write down, and bring with you ten items of folklore: a proverb, a song, a family expression… all for sharing in class.
  3. DUE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18: A four-page essay on some aspect of a Slavic or Celtic traditional belief, focusing on a particular lens or theme. 
  4. DUE FRIDAY, MAY 18: A four-page essay using a folktale from both a Slavic and a Celtic tradition, viewing the two tales through a specific lens or theme. 
  5. DUE FRIDAY, MAY 25: The rough draft of your final essay that identifies a single item, event, figure, custom, or belief from either Slavic or Celtic folklore and folk life. 
  6. DUE MONDAY, MAY 28: Posters are due at the poster printer. 
  7. DUE FRIDAY, JUNE 1: The final draft of your final essay.
  8. DUE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6: A delicious contribution to the program potluck celebration!

NOTE: Each 4-page essay is worth 1 credit; the longer essay is worth 2 credits. Your poster is worth 1 credit. Your weekly seminar papers are worth one third of a credit each.