I retired in June 2020, and am no longer taking Individual Learning Contracts. If you are interested in doing a contract involving animation, consult with other media and visual arts faculty for ways to approach that. 

Individual Learning Contracts are not the place to begin learning animation.  You need to have taken at least one quarter of college level animation before attempting an ILC that includes animation production.

Here I used to ask students for before accepting a contract with them. Consider developing these items before you approach other faculty. 

  • A draft ILC that you’ve written after consulting with Advising and reading about ILCs on the Individual Learning Contracts web page.  Make sure that the contract draft focuses on your learning goals, clearly separated from the activities you will undertake to achieve those goals.
  • A one page treatment for your project in which you discuss the underlying concepts and describe your stylistic and technical approaches, including whether or not you will use sound.  You should explain why you want to express the concepts in those ways and make it clear how the form and style of the piece relates to its content.  The treatment should also include an estimate of the total running time and a working title.
  • Pre-production and production schedules that outline all the steps you will take to complete the project, week by week.  Include an estimate of how many hours per week you expect to devote to this project. Note that if you want to do a 16 credit contract, you should plan for a minimum of 40 hours per week of work.
  • A list of readings and films related to the work you expect to do.  Some of these should be focused on the background of your idea. At least one reading should consider other artists and animators who have also worked with this content, or theories about animation or media in general. The list of films should include ones that represent the subject you are interested in animating about and ones that use techniques or approaches that you would like to try.

This is just a start. When you meet with faculty to discuss your contract idea, ask them what other sources they recommend, other ideas they have for how you approach your project, and whether or not you’ve developed a project idea that is overly ambitious for the term of the contract.