Physics Quiz Revision Guidelines

As noted in class, students are welcome to submit physics quiz revisions as they wish. Students who score a total of 10 or less on a physics quiz are particularly invited to submit quiz revisions. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Due dates:
    • Due 9am Wednesday Week 7 – Quiz 1, 2, 3 revisions
    • Due 9am Wednesday Week 8 – Quiz 4 revision
    • Due 9am Wednesday Week 9 – Quiz 5, 6, revisions
    • Due 9am Wednesday Week 10 – Quiz 7 revisions
    • Due 5pm Friday Week 10 – Final Exam revision (we have an in-class Exam Revision Workshop on Thursday)
  • Students may choose to revise any quiz questions on which they were marked with a 3 or less.
  • Revised solutions must be perfectly clear, complete, and correct to be considered.
  • You may use any resource to prepare your revised solution. HOWEVER…
  • …Revised solutions must display your personal understanding of the material. This means that you must personally understand every step that you write down, and individually produce your final submitted revised solution.
  • Revisions to multiple choice/matching/fill in the blank type questions must include a full explanation (simply circling or providing the correct response is insufficient).
  • Your Revisions must be produced on a separate sheet of paper or on a blank quiz, and presented neatly along with your original quiz paper.

For your convenience, here are blank copies of earlier quizzes (this post will be updated with subsequent week’s quizzes once administered):

  1. Quiz 1 on Week 1 material (given in week 2)
  2. Quiz 2 on Week 2 material (given in week 3)
  3. Quiz 3 on Week 3 material (given in week 4)
  4. Quiz 4 on Week 4 material (given in week 5)
  5. Quiz 5 on Week 5 material (given in week 6)
  6. Quiz 6 on Week 6 material (given in week 7)
  7. Quiz 7 on Week 7 material (given in week 8) no quiz in week 8
  8. Quiz 7 on Week 8 material (given in week 9)