Group project work and credit

Dear students,

In addition to our mid-quarter group check-in meetings, Krishna and I have met individually with several students this week to discuss group work dynamics. We wanted to take this opportunity to clarify the expectations we have for you in regards to your group project work.

In order for you to meet the requirements for the group project you must be fully engaged in all aspects of group project work. This means:

  • Maintaining excellent communication with your group members
  • Showing up to weekly group meetings outside of class time
  • Submitting drafts of your individual group blog posts on time and turning in a high-quality, complete blog post by the deadline outlined in your group project guidelines.
  • Contributing equally to the planning, research and writing aspects of your group blog post and submitting all drafts of your group blog post (proposal, project summaries and final posts) on time
  • Contributing to all aspects of conducting your research and preparing your final group presentation for Science Carnival
  • Showing up to and participating in your presentation at Science Carnival

If you personally have been meeting these expectations then you can expect to receive full credit for the group research portion of the program. We are happy to work with groups that are struggling to work together, so please get in touch with us as needed. We want to stress that we have been very pleased with most students’ engagement with the group research projects and we encourage you to keep up the good work!

In some cases, where individuals have not been attending group meeting regularly or have not been contributing to group work, including research and writing, then you may be asked to forfeit your spot in the group and lose credit for that portion of the group project work. Having group members that are not engaged in project work is not fair to the other group members and is not consistent with the five foci of learning that Evergreen students are expected to uphold.

I will remind you to please refer to your group project guidelines for details about due dates and individual and group blog post requirements, as well as info about your final presentations.