My journey has come to an end. After two days of driving, I have finally made it back to Olympia. What a journey it has been. It was extremely surreal driving back to Olympia. As I began driving on the highway, the urban sprawl almost immediately dissipated into rolling green hills and snow-capped mountains in the distance. As I ventured on, the landscape became more familiar and temperate. The desert was gone, and I was once again surrounded by forests and mountains. What a big difference just a day of driving can do to the scenery.

There was something really comforting about it. I started to notice how living in Los Angeles was effecting me and my habits. I noticed while in Oregon how impatient my driving had become. In California, 15 miles over the speed limit is standard. I felt like I was constantly in a rush. I quickly realized that this attitude towards driving was unhealthy and stressful, and I began to acclimate to my old habits. Los Angeles is built on stress; every time I left my house it was impossible not to see people getting road rage. While the projection of the culture of Southern California through media in my life has typically been relaxation and sunshine,