I have transcribed the music and film from the insane looking code language that I presented the last time that I posted scans. Its more or less done at this point. There are a few strange glitches that arose during the process but its nothing that can’t be worked around. For example, the piece contains all of the pitches that occur in two octaves of the chromatic scale (the center line of the staff is a B) except for the high F which is skipped in the notation. This makes it so that instead of skipping a sharp and going directly to the next line up from E to F, a sharp appears on the same line as the E that represents an #F (confusing I know but now there isn’t enough time to adjust it and technically its functional). This glitch makes it so that there is only one (low) F and three C’s. At first I thought of this as a fatal flaw in the piece and I actually almost burned all of my work during a nervous breakdown. I’m really glad that I didn’t do that and I’ve realized that what I perceived as an idiotic mistake is actually a fateful element of chance within a piece that embraces chance, difference, and even idiotic mistakes. I just hope that whoever sings this will be able to work around it (and if they can’t [or if they’re simply unavailable {which is seeming more and more likely}] than I will use this as a chance to brush up on my saxophone). Honestly, this whole experience has been the most challenging project I have ever attempted. I’ve felt an intense lack of confidence and an unprecedented level of insecurity throughout the entire process. I still doubt that this piece will come to fruition by the end of the quarter, I’ve built my self a mountain too large to climb and yet I haven’t stopped trudging on. I have learned more lessons from this project than any other endeavour in my educational career but there is one that stands out above all; now that I’m at the finish line, about to graduate, looking back at everything I’ve done and ahead to my uncertain future, I am struck with the terrifying realization that, though I’ve come so far and learned so much, I know nothing. Maybe this is just the artists burden. I just don’t know if its a burden that I can carry for the rest of my life.

Now that I’ve gotten that out of my system I’ll do my best to describe my progress with the music and the video.

The first thing that I did was an unintentional trial run at transcribing the organization charts onto the grand staff.


I say “unintentional” because I expected it to be the final iteration of the piece but after completing the first two of four sections I had some new ideas that I wanted to work in. I wanted to make a more complex organization of the volume and rhythm dynamics within the individual cells so I created what I called “sub cell organization charts”

Scan0012 Scan0015 Scan0014 Scan0013
















So then I started transcribing again with the new added complexities and made it to the end before realizing that I had left the high #f.




















































































After I finished with the music I moved onto organizing the film. I explained much of how this was all organized in my last post “Oversized Update” but I will post the scans of the charts here.

These are some pre organization planning charts that I made

Scan0039 Scan0041 Scan0040
















And these are the actual organization charts
























After finishing the charts I transposed them into shot lists but I didn’t have the chance to scan those. I still have half of the shot list left to shoot and its quite a bit. I’m thinking that I will probably