Sometime during week six I ran into Dave from class last quarter in red square. He and three other guys where hanging out in the sun shine shootin the shit, so I swung by to say hi to Dave. He and the three cats, he told me, are doing an ILC this quarter and he asked me if I wanted to be interviewed what its like being an Evergreen student, also adding at the sight of my guitar if I wanted to record a song as well, I said yes. He texted me later that week informing me that he had reserved four hours in a studio in the media lab under the library for yesterday Friday the 15th 1-5.

So I showed up at one and we got going around 1:30ish and by the end of it had recorded eight songs, with only three first takes of the first track and knocking out the other seven in a single take. I recorded four originals and four covers and intend of making and releasing a demo. It was my third time recording but only second time in a studio and it was my first time doing so on my own.

We miked up the amplifier and ran my vocals through the analogue mixing board before going into the computer. Its pretty cool because the mic I used to sing in to also picked up the amplifier from behind me causing the guitar to sound like two, we put effects on the guitar track and allowed the space where the bleed over happened to act as a “natural” guitar backing under the miked guitars track.

Hes going to spend a few days producing a few different versions of each song and then Ill compile them on to a cd and will begin to distribute them to the class during my presentaion. Yesterday was so much fun and I cant wait to do it again! It honestly was the hardest I’ve worked in a looonnnnggg time. But so worth it.