It’s hard to believe that this is it!

The quarter is over, my final presentation is finished and I will be heading to France in 5 days. Thanks to everyone for posting such incredible articles and for commenting on mine. I really learned a lot this quarter!

Here is a link to my presentation on duende and flamenco! It was really hard to edit all the information that I learned this quarter down to 30 slides and I hope it all makes sense.!120&authkey=!AJx5G_B2nD-IC-8

If you are interested in learning more about flamenco and duende I listed all the books and movies I found particularly helpful at the end of the presentation under “Works Cited”.

Singers who I would recommend listening to are Estrella Morente, Nina de los Peines, and Cameron de la Isla.

My favorite guitar players are the ledgendary Paco de Lucia, Sabicas, and Tomalito.

Although I’m not very interested in flamenco dancing, I absolutely love Carmen Amaya and have included a video of her in my presentation. Antonio Gades was also an incredible dancer.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask in the “comments” section on the bottom of the page and I will answer as best I can!