This track is lightly mixed and unmastered. It is only the instrumental.


Chad Leaf is a classmate, friend and LA native whom I collaborated with in Fall quarter. I thought this a pertinent inclusion in the study considering the connections between Olympia, Musical Cities and LA. With idle hands I slowly pieced this track together. It began as essentially a long series of trial and error experiences between two jams separated by a cigarette comma. The instrumentals consist of myself on the piano, Chad on the guitars and bass and Eli with lyrical accompaniment, however, this has yet to make it onto the recording. The drums and beats were produced by myself and a unique drum program to Logic Pro X.

The collaboration started as a rough idea chad had recorded and an inquiry to my involvement. Chad came over to my place with Eli and we set out to replicate the drums Chad had included in his rough draft. This process was relatively easy considering the ability to program and quantize in DAW’s. I took the beat Chad had in mind and added my own flair to it with the quick snap 808 Snare drum and the live sounding cymbals and fills. After this loop was created, Chad tuned into the Digital Audio Workstation and accompanying instruments set out we jammed over the guitar riffs and melodies that were written beforehand. This process went on for a few hours. We eventually decided on a few solid ideas and recorded an instrumental with rhythmic repetition and movement over-layed with sparse dances of guitar.

A second recording session brought Chad in on the Bass Guitar and filled out the bottom of the song like an old wedding dress.

Okay. I’m bad at simile.