I have been overwhelmed with equal parts excitement and nervousness while arranging my plans to visit New Orleans. I’m trying to wrap my head around pursuing this trip and contemplating what will become of it. I will be taking myself far out of my comfort zone and placing myself into a completely new, unfamiliar environment in which I have to figure out my plan as I go while trying to make the absolute most of it. I look forward to this trip most as an opportunity to grow as a person.

Week 1: Drive down to Los Angeles, Fly out to New Orleans, Arrive in New Orleans, Find where I’m staying in Uptown, Explore City

Week 2-3: Wander around city, look and listen, attend concerts, art shows, museums, visit landmarks, find info on local upcoming events, mingle with locals, play music, return to room, read, record music, reflect

Week 3-6: Return to LA and then Olympia, reflect, compile data and prepare for final presentation.