“Articulating the connection between music and the outer world remains devilishly difficult. Musical meaning is vague, mutable, and, in the end, deeply personal. Still, even if history can never tell us exactly what music means, music can tell us something about history.”

– The Rest is Noise, Ross

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The thing about New Orleans is that it is so rich in history, architecture, food, people, and music. The streets are steeped in a history of influences from Europe, the Caribbean, Africa and more. The more research I do on this city, the more excited I am to immerse myself in the soundscape of a new place. As I investigate the influence of music in this city, I expect to listen to a lot of live music, all over the city. I plan to walk into every music venue that I come across, taking note of the what the music tells me about the history of New Orleans.  This investigation is not about objective listening, in fact I’m not quite sure that exists, but it is about listening and really hearing – allowing myself to hear the parts and the details, in constant search for something I haven’t heard before – working to identify the origin of the sounds.

I’ve dreamt of visiting New Orleans for years. I love jazz, I love food, and I love going to places that are different than what I know. New Orleans embodies all of the above. I am going to be transparent when I say that I am going into this dream with a lot of expectation. I have a pre-conceived idea of what I think the city is going to look like, sound like, taste like and even smell like. I am not worried that I am going to disappointed, but I think it is really important for me to be taking note of my expectations and how they affect my experience throughout the trip. Being aware of what I am bringing to this new experience will help me to set them aside and be present. I am fortunate to have a roommate who is from the south. She has hooked me up with a few of her college friends who have offered me a place to stay and a tour of the city. I am really grateful to have some guidance from people who know the city well!

In light of being able to spend some time with locals – I thought it would be great to spend some time volunteering in the area. I found a really awesome organization whose mission  is to engage, empower, and transform our community through volunteer service. This organization has various volunteer opportunities each month varying from reading to second graders to rebuilding community centers. I feel especially excited about this part of my trip because I have always had a deep passion for community, and I believe that there is much to be learned from spending time around people who have had different life experiences than your own. This organization is excited hosting out of state volunteers and sharing life with them for as long as they are willing to stay. I won’t be needing the hosting services, but I am really looking forward to working with and meeting new people. 

I was not at all surprised to discover the handful of musical festivals happening during my trip. It is almost as if the answers to my questions are being handed to me with some of these festivals! I am most excited about the Jazz and Heritage Festival – its purpose is  “To promote, preserve, perpetuate and encourage the music, arts, culture and heritage of communities in Louisiana through festivals, programs and other cultural, educational, civic and economic activities.” The line-up is pretty incredible and I look forward to spending time listening to good music, eating good food, and talking with locals about their experiences living in New Orleans. 

Overall, this trip really is a dream come true. I am so excited that this program is going to challenge me to dig deep in my understanding of the city – I won’t just be a tourist, but a student that is eager to listen and to learn. For now, I need to solidify my schedule, get a head start on some literature, and day dream about beignets, jazz and bourbon street.


(Here’s a very tentative itinerary)

Week 1: The Garden District

Volunteer w/ HandsOn New Orleans – Community Service Day


Week 2: Musical Festivals

French Quarter Festival http://fqfi.org/press/detail/2/French-Quarter-Festival-is-April-9-12-2015

Jazz & Heritage Festival http://www.nojazzfest.com/

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Week 3 : French Quarter

W New Orleans – French Quarter Hotel  http://www.wfrenchquarter.com/

Bourbon Street Traditional New Orleans Gospel Brunch at Antoine’s http://www.neworleansonline.com/neworleans/multicultural/multiculturaltraditions/gospel.html

Week 4: Julia Street

Gallier House Architecture Tour

Julia Street

NOMA – New Orleans Museum of Art