Musical Cities

The Evergreen State College

Author: brutyl10

The Coming of Sound

Well here I am In Olmypia Washington trying to figure out what I’m doing with my travel arrangements and as I am sitting by the bay listening to the waves splash, and the birds speak, and the people playing I realize that I no longer felt as if I was at the bay enjoying the sun and the natural sounds scape but I had literally been transported to a point in my past of when I was child screaming an playing in the park back home. Remembering this meant that at that moment this familiar sound was actually triggering a moment in my past, making that very moment relatable to my present position. Except one small difference, that even though my mind was taken back to a place of familiarity that the experience I was having was still different. With out realizing every position of sound in and around us we all consistently making choices actually by the sounds we are hearing, weather or not it mentally registers or not, sound is energy that is moving and affecting us all in a physical way. This is where the idea of sound manipulation comes into affect, how corporations and even our own government take advantage of fear, happiness, sadness, and almost every emotional response that consumers can relate to. just like In one of the readings from winters quarter we talk about the city, how all cities seem to have similar qualities that remind a person of a city, that similarity still does not define the identity of every city. Tying that in my experience on the bay, Even though the feeling and experience was similar to that triggering moment from my past it still was not the same. So how do these large corporation draw consumers into buying or investing in said ideas, goals, or lifestyles if not every experience is the same? My theory is that the sounds that do not affect our minds due to exposure from multiple similar experiences/sounds then build stereotyped like muscle memory. Business use this Stereotyped “Sound” with in there advertising, film, and music, to portray an emotional response that these business are hoping most people will relate too. The thing though about these relatable triggers is that people do not tend to acknowledge that even though something about this piece of art is relatable and similar, the situations are not the same nor are they they in most cases real.

This all started with the coming of technology and large corporate mass media, also know as urban ethos’s. When Film first became popular it was entertaining by means of being in a quiet room watching black an white screen with subtitles and large facial expressions, until music was added to silent films as a way to portray sounds and emotional responses to the body language of said characters and scenes. As soon as sound hit the screen it changed the very art of film, there is a saying; that, that day film it self as an art died. relating this to programed music and absolute music to film, absolute film would be film itself, when it was silent, then there is programed film, this is where film no longer is just a silent film, but is using sound to help portray the meaning of the story by using sound to emulate the meaning of the films original story.


This is a picture of the capital building at night, not many people see this but late at night when its dark out the capital building has lights on it. There is a lighting design on the building that actually makes the capital building look like there is a giant smily face on it. When I see this at night I think about the artist who took the time to do the lighting for this building and what there intentions as a light designer was when they put the lights on the building, or did they even know that this would happen? Either way, I look at what this building, what it represents and where it is located. Only in one of the most open, liberal places in this country would have a lighting designer create a shadowed smily face on our states capital building.

The Art Of Travel week 1

Response to week 1
The Art Of Travel (Alain de Botton)

I was strikingly amazed so far not just by this book’s individuality, but also by the way it resonated with some of my own experiences and questions. “If it is true that love is the pursuit in another of qualities we lack in ourselves, then in our love of someone from another country, one ambition may be to weld ourselves more closely to values missing from our own culture.” (p.90) This relates so much to traveling and the thoughts im having twards travels, espeacially when I am travelling by myself. I had always found that the reality of travel, when I was actually present to it, had little to do with my expectations of what it would bring, this is why I don’t want to go into a new place with expectaions that may have been influenced by my own culture and thoughts. I want to be able to take something new away from this ecpericenc, as well as come back a new person. We all base our lives on steriotypes ans statisics based on certain actions with in our lives. And I’ve always marveled at how trips are often reduced by so many people to a few “critical moments” and “photographic highlights” that as de Botton says, “lend to life a vividness and a coherence that it may lack in the distracting woolliness of the present.” For most of us, the ending place, and perhaps a few incidents on the way, are what we most remember; the time it takes to plan for traveling itself is seldom remembered or talked about. People like to represent there travels to ourselves and others almost like the travel books we read. Here is one of the ways the author describes it:
“A travel book may tell us, for example, that the narrator journeyed through the afternoon to reach the hill town of X and after a night in its medieval monastery awoke to a misty dawn. But we never simply ‘journey through an afternoon’. We sit in a train. Lunch digests awkwardly within us. The seat cloth is grey. We look out the window at a field. We look back inside. A drum of anxieties revolves in our consciousness. We notice a luggage label affixed to a suitcase in a rack above the seats opposite. We tap a finger on the window ledge. A broken nail on an index finger catches a thread. It starts to rain. A drop wends a muddy path down the dust-coated window. We wonder where our ticket might he. We look back out at the field, It continues to rain.
At last the train starts to move. It passes an iron bridge, after which it inexplicably stops, A fly lands on the window. And still we may have reached the end only of the first minute of a comprehensive account of the events lurking within the deceptive sentence ‘he journeyed through the afternoon.’” And, of course, Botton hasn’t even talked about the many actions that these events happen in our thoughts and emotions, as well as the often dull and heavy sensations they arouse in our bodies. For example, I took a trip to Orange Walk Belize anf throught prosses of this all, I had to save money, in fact at points in planning I was scared and afraid that I wouldn’t have the opertunity, but I kept my head up and continue. Finally it reached the moment where it was time to go, all I could think about was how different everything was going to be compared to Wyoming!! Entering the plain was the most intense thing I had ever experience, I was nervous, excite, and could not stop imagining what everything was going to be like, but at the same time I was actually comparing what it was going to be like in my head to my experiences that I had in Wyoming because that’s all I really new. When I got there I would say I did really feel far away from home, this place felt just as close to home as home did.
“We are all of us, without ever having any say in the matter, scattered at birth by the wind onto various countries, but like Flaubert, we are in adulthood granted the freedom imaginatively to re-create our identity in line with our true allegiances.” (p.98) This quote really hits home for me, why, well I cant help but to think that there is so much truth to living in this one sentence. We as humanity don’t realize that there is so much basic human nature that is happening all around us and all over the world. Things we have in common, growing up, attraction, sounds, love, hate, ect. All these examples live with in every human and culture, so why wouldn’t we be able to bond and understand in some way. I think we all are different but we focus so much on how much we don’t connect with others, that we forget that there are so many other options to bond from.

Before I go Part 2

In this first WordPress site post compose a pre-field study well-edited post of 750 words that captures your preconceptions/expectations/anticipations and preparation concerning your spring field study.

On this trip I am leaving with zero expectations. So that my mind is open to all possibilities to how my experience with in these cities will be. Now as a part of my experiences I will be recording, interviewing, sketching and filming, the scapes of the cities as well as its music. My preconceptions are that I will come to California and these Small scale “cities” will all have there own individual concepts and sound. I feel that a lot of the soundscapes with in the cities will be relatively the same, due to the architecture being the same.Though I may not be able to connect certain musical pieces to the sounds of the city, I will have to remember that music is more about taking the sounds and the emotional correlation to that sound and put that sound to an instrument that will then mock that emotional response.
I expect to be questioned on my idea of sound manipulation but its something that most individuals do not see and may have a hard time understanding.(That by using sounds to evoke emotional responses, we can manipulate people into biting the bait, the bait being the slogan or theme that is being presented) I plan on talking to consumers and people of these cities and asking them how this idea makes them feel.
Using the five elements of the city paths, edges, districts, nodes, and monuments, I will direct myself around the cities and there popular areas. By using these elements I expect to find myself talking, listening, and reacting to new surroundings. I can’t wait to meet new people with in these urban ethos’s and compare the sounds that come out of them with my home Olympia Washington.I also want to see the connections and difference with in each city. There seems to be a huge idea of what all cities are like but we don’t hear much about how all of them are different. I want to take what is different from my experience with in these cities and mesh them with the different concepts and sound of Olympia and Seattle. As a multi media artist I will be taking the view of the urban ethos and applying that to my youtube show Blakers, while updating my experiences via twitter, Fascebook, tumblr, and Instegram. While being exposed to this culture and environment, I will try to compose each of my weekly Youtube shows with sounds and music from my soundscape.

So I am taking the idea of the city and placing that on theme parks. Now in order for theme parks to gain a following and have that following consume their products, they will need to draw the attention of many types of people. This means these companies need to be reaching out to a very diverse crowd. As I read and discussed with fellow peers in the first quarter of this program, we discussed that in order for a city to fully be a city that some of the aspects of the city would have to reach out to more people who are multi culturally curious. This to me means for theme parks such as the ones I am studying Disneyland, Six Flags, and universal studios that these organizations have studied diverse techniques within architecture and sound to grab the attention of many different cultures and attract them to these small scale “cities”.The best thing to take away from this experience is to understand how corporations use the soundscape as a way to grab the attention of the people. Ultimately creating a following and a pattern. This pattern is something that many will catch on to and want to be apart off. What I want to take away from this is the ability to find a different pattern that will make my art look and sound great.


Create a week-by-week calendar/itinerary of research work, city exploration, and event attendance.

Week 1
Arrive in Sacramento April 22, Explore For a couple days. Go to art museum Friday 24th. Monday prep for road trip to southern California.

Week 2
Leaving for souther California to DisneyLand Wednesday 29th, Disneyland Thursday and friday. Explore City Saturday. Sunday Return to Sacramento. Explore and rest.

Week 3
Explore Sacramento architecture 6th may, Saturday and sunday the 9th and 10th study of six flag,

Week 4
Wednesday the 13th Travel back down to southern California to Universal studios. Thursday and friday Attend Universal Studios. Come back. to Sacramento Saturday. Come back home tuesdays.

Blake's southern California Experience 2015-03-05 13:51:12

My Apartment

So my apartment does not have much furniture in it. so I took the opportunity to look at my space as a open canyon. I yelled, whispered, talked, sang, ect. To realize I could hear almost everything from my room. Then I took all of my furniture from my room and brought it out to the living space. Having my Roommate sit on the couch and talk. To my surprise I could not hear a thing, that the space of my living room had changed there for the sound scape had changed as well.

Before I Leave

  • Before I leave for my Field study I need to turn in the my paper work for getting more money to travel.
  • I need to situate my hold on my account with media load. I need to make sure i know the exact date and time of my departure for California.
  • What Amusement parks do I plan on visiting. (For actual sound study)
  • What museums to visit in California as well as Seattle.
  • Talk to my friends in California and talk about living.
  • Look up more Ideas on sound manipulation
  • Talk to people of the theme parks.

© 2024 Musical Cities
The Evergreen State College
Olympia, Washington

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