Currently a month out. Still waiting for a response from a connection in Chicago. Still trying to fit the trip into a budget ill be able to manage. Still wrapping my head around the fact that Im getting credit to travel and experience a place I’ve never been to in a way I’ve always dreamed of. Madness… but I have high hopes.

This field study can give to me as much as I put into it. That needs to continue to be my mindset in order to get the most of my research. Chicago is the third biggest city in the United States, my momma’s birthplace, and my current favorite musical city (next to Seattle of course) and a city rich in Blues, Rock, Jazz, and Hip-Hop as well. Im thrilled I have the opportunity to live there for a month and take in fully everything it has to offer. I expect to be bombarded with opportunities to experience live music, learn about the history, and engage with people who have a love for both. I think the Columbia College will be able to provide a majority of these opportunities, but I crave the experience of the street as well. Ive heard of the many Jazz clubs and have an interest in seeing and better understanding the history of Chess Records, that I read so much about when I took a History of Rock n’ Roll class at community college. I expect that the opportunities will be endless, but that may not be true. I’m looking to find out where, like so many other genres have done before, the exotic that Chicago’s cutting edge musicians are drawing inspiration from. Im sure it will cross over multiple mediums so It’ll be important to stay aware of the full art movement in Chicago, wether its music, art, architecture etc..

I am going to be bringing some books about Blues and Rock to see how the styles came to be so greatly appreciated and created in Chicago, and how the musicians of 1900′s were inspired, and by whom. Another book is a history of Chess Records which was crucial to the creation of Rock n Roll and allowing black musicians into the studio. It will serve (I hope) as reference place to go to and from with questions and inspirations regarding my research questions.

Because I will not be in Chicago during the months of summer, some of the bigger festivals will be unavailable to attend but there are two that are scheduled that I will be attending. The first is the Urban Arts Fest, and the second a pop/rock fest which will be held at Millennium Park during its 10th year anniversary.

As far as living expenses and arrangements  go, I will need to be saving as much money as possible. Ill save most my money for food and transportation being that they are my heaviest expenses.Though I do consider myself a food connoisseur of sorts I will not be researching the food in Chicago so its not my priority to fine dine every night. That being said it’ll be important to know where to eat or wether or not to pack food while in the field.

Through couch surfing we (being me and Steve) are looking to stay with 2 or 3 hosts over the time that we are to be in Chicago. If location is a choice we will try to organize our research efficiently around the places we are staying. We are avoiding a rental car and hopefully by paying for a 30 day pass and having our longboards we can get around the city effectively.

My hopes are high, and I think in the next month before we leave I will be able to get everything I need in order to get the most out this experience. There is still more to be done regarding our itinerary, housing, and getting my expenses paid for, but I still have more resources to check out and time for my connections in Chicago to find some help for me. This is a month long endeavor, it wasn’t made out to be a walk in the park to get everything hammered out. But when I’m walking through Millennium park, I hope it feels like it is.