November 23, 2014

November 23, 2014

Although I am not able to travel to my original location for Spring (Dublin, Ireland) I am excited to have my focus be on poetry in Portland, Oregon. I have lived in Washington for a little over 3 years and have only been to Portland a handful of times. I fall in love with the city a little more each time I visit and am looking forward to getting to know the city better. During the fall quarter of 2014 I went to Portland with fellow classmates to study slam poetry and immediately felt a strong sense of community. It was unlike any poetry event I have been to and I appreciate the vibe that was created in the very beginning when Jill (the host) asked everyone to stand up and say “I am loved. You are loved. We are all loved.”

Velo Cult Bike Shop (taken from facebook page)

I will be staying at my apartment in Olympia during Spring and make weekly trips to Portland if finances permit. I will be studying all types of poetry for my spring research study including slam poetry, spoken word, written poetry, and visual poetry. I will attend the Portland Poetry Slam Finals held in Mid-April at Velo Cult Bike Shop and continue attending their sunday night poetry events after Slam season has come to an end. I have been searching for other poetry events in Portland but have mostly come across outdated events. There doesn’t seem to be as much happening in 2015 as there was in 2011. April is National Poetry Month so I am looking for more poetry events happening in the area.

The reason I have chosen to focus on poetry for my field study is because it has held a special place in my heart since I was 9 years old. I love that poetry comes in all different shapes, forms, and styles. Instead of relying on physical instruments to evoke certain emotions, poetry relies on the presentation, alliteration, rhythm, repetition, metaphors, similes, and/or many other aspects. I love the rawness, the diversity, that I will generally not get distracted from the content because a guitarist just played an amazing riff or a string broke, but most of all, the community that poetry has created has really won my heart. Even when I go to events outside where I live, I feel welcomed. Every poetry class, every poetry event, every poet that I’ve shared with have all created this community that is supportive no matter your “skill” level, no matter how nervous you are, and no matter how vulnerable you are. I am in no way saying this cannot be found other places, but rather these are what I have found amongst the poet community and why I have chosen to focus on poetry. I have been involved with the poetry community in Seattle, Washington and am looking forward to discover new environments and meet new people in Portland.


November 23, 2014

I am planning to spend time at Powell’s Books located downtown on W Burnside St because it is a great place to practice sketching. There is a cafe that I will sit at if I can find a place to sit and I will also search for a local poet section and possibly buy some books. There is a National Poetry Month Celebration event here on April 13th that I am hoping to attend. I am searching for other local cafe’s around downtown Portland to spend time at. If the whether permits, I will spend time at Waterfront Park or South Waterfront Park (among other parks) to do sketches… I will probably go there rain or shine, just won’t do any sketching in the rain. 

Due to finances, I probably won’t be able to get the full immersion of Portland. I am hoping to make it down at least once a week, but I am not sure if I will be able to make that possible. I will go at least every other weekend. This is why I have chosen some heavy books to read, because I will mostly be doing research from Olympia. I am getting my car fixed up to run again, and run safely, so that will help with not having to rely on when others are going or having to stay at a motel/hotel/hostel since it’s only a 2 hour drive.

All plans made are just a rough idea of what I will be doing because new opportunities may arise and schedules may change.




Week 1
April 12 – April 18

I will be reading Fugitives and Refugees: A Walk in Portland, Oregon. I am hoping to go to Portland for 2 days in the beginning of the week (Saturday & Sunday) to attend Powell’s Books National Poetry Month Celebration and the Portland Slam Poetry event held at Velo Cult Bike Shop. While there I will create sketches, write poems, and walk around the city. I will also be reading selections from of Word Warriors: 35 Women Leaders in the Spoken Word Revolution and watch Slam Nation this week. 

Week 2
April 19 – April 25

This week I will be reading Portland in Three Centuries, selections from Word Warriors: 35 Women Leaders in the Spoken Word Revolution, and Bring Down the Chandeliers. The Portland Art Museum has free admission every 4th friday, so I am planning on going there if I can afford a trip down. I will also be on the look out for poetry events happening if I am able to make a trip down.


Week 3
April 26 – May 2

This week I will be reading Pansy and The Words Don’t Fit in My Mouth and Courage: Daring Poems for Gusty Girls. I will be heading to Portland for a couple days to attend poetry events as well as visiting cafes, doing cityscape sketches, and visiting Waterfront Park. I will also be reading selections from Word Warriors: 35 Women Leaders in the Spoken Word Revolution and going to the Poetry event at Velo Cult Bike Shop.

Week 4
May 3 – May 9

This week I will be reading The Smell of Good Mud and The Spoken Word Revolution: Slam, Hip Hop & the Poetry of a New Generation and take notes from the readings. I will also be reading selections from Word Warriors: 35 Women Leaders in the Spoken Word Revolution. 

Week 5
May 10 – May 16

This week I will be continuing reading The Spoken Word Revolution: Slam, Hip Hop & the Poetry of a New Generation and take notes from the readings. I will also be reading selections from Word Warriors: 35 Women Leaders in the Spoken Word Revolution and Pole Dancing to Gospel Hymns. I am hoping to take a day trip to Portland sometime this week – most likely to attend the Poetry event at Velo Cult Bike Shop.

Week 6
May 17 – May 23

I will be reading selections from Take the Mic: The Art of Performance Poetry, Slam, and the Spoken Word and taking notes. I am hoping to take this week as an opportunity to visit Portland one last time before class starting back up. I am hoping to arrive in Portland sometime at the start of the week, stay at least one night and attend at least 1 poetry event. I will also be reading selections from Word Warriors: 35 Women Leaders in the Spoken Word Revolution and The Madness Vase. I am planning to attend poetry night at Velo Cult Bike Shop. I will also be starting the process of putting together a chapbook of Portland-inspired poetry I have written, sketches I have done, and photographs I have taken.


Sketch of outside my apartment 3/6/15

Sketch of outside my apartment 3/6/15