A short summary. Contested annotation. Briefly briefing. Travel arrangements seem to take aeons, especially when you’re broke. Here they are anyway.
Even though he offered to pay for a stable future debt surmounts the horizon line. Plane Tickets. Not Yet. Something tall enough to manhandle seventeen inches diagonally. Check. Paper and utilities for brushing graphite imitations. Check. Sanity meshed between an EBT card and passport. Check. Eleven books. Four of which are novels. On and on. Order them. Some of them checked off over there; checked out. Medicine. The word echoes seven or eight times. Maybe nine. Divide it by three. Divine. Check. 0315151508 Arrangements with facilitators of steel roofs and rain collectors should be sorted out. A lot of pressure lost pursuing surfboards over couches. On second thought, two nets are always better than one on first thought. Might as well resolve the effort with my own name. Easy. Completing web based communication would polish this river stone. That involves more words. More expectations and inferences. They say there is a girl with flowers in her hair and that she dances in the sand. Or was it the sun? The English have a weird way of interpreting the west. This is the west of the west. The central pacific southern rim of the west. Accent or nil, One could expect sure fire weather.
Over priced Sunglasses. Remissed.
What sort of trouble is found inside four walls surrounded by never ending sun? The contraction of light to leave and the need to fight to stay. A song a day. There will be early mornings. Late nights spent hurting in crowds of mindless alcoholics pushing hands through bricks to pull out inspiration. Gunshots amidst smog covered tinted windows yelling across the road at pedestrian privileged ignoramuses sipping chai latte’s beating drums to the sound of cracks in the sidewalks. Four wheels push transportation on a road of eventual embarrassment. Get better. Try harder just do.0316150108
Read mindlessly as to open the mind to what we are not mindful of. Zen seated caricatures smiling through growing seedlings wrapped in orange birthday cake. Bald heads moving towards spotless windows asking someone to help paint. Needless city covered in sweat baths hopelessly corralled by the famously wealthy and unconcerned. Moving videos of famous sidewalks, printed hands and starlets dying out lightyears away. New shoes faded in putrid sun. Walking miles from recording store to record store to record store to recording home listening to the dicing descent of steel blades over living matter. Pockets emptied. Food stuffed in front and behind pant legs after realizing that there isn’t a ban on grocery bags. Go figure. Sun burning sunglasses pasted on my scraggly face. Grow up or out. Never in they always say. Always out with the sand filled boots tracking early morning dew through the mud. Hands busy at writing down memories cryptically over dinner. Salty faces pushing soft necks harder through the pluming palms of hollywood boulevard. Wet blankets with wet ears cruising across horizon lines attempting to grab hold of a slice of pie. Insecurities crippling anxieties that manifest in moistened hands. Shaking,

“How do you do?” How did he do. No try. Just do it. Smiling back behind these glasses he’ll wrap 5 fingers gently around the whole of their hand to introduce the flaming lust of Capricorn only to be met with a never ending stretch of ocean eroding the fire.

“We’ll See.”

Looking like sailors hands perched where hat brims catch baseballs laughing over mountains of grass. Exhaust sounds of Ducati’s silencing worries as troubles give waves to new friends. Smiles turn to faces as eyes become names.