John P. Hopkins serves as the Chief Diversity Officer and Director of the Diversity and Equity Center at Saint Martin’s University and teaches courses in Indigenous Studies, Intercultural Communication, Race and Ethnic Studies, and Leadership Theory. In 2015, John received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in the Social and Cultural Foundations of Education. Much of his academic research centers on Indigenous education policy and practice and tribal-state relations. In his book, Indian Education for All: Decolonizing Indigenous Education in Public Schools (Teachers College Press, 2020), John critiques efforts by state and federal governments to reform Indigenous education in the context of public schools. Using Tribal Critical Race Theory and Culturally Sustaining and Revitalizing Pedagogy, he proposes shifts in the way non-Native teachers and educators learn about Indigenous education and instruct Native students that promote decolonizing strategies. John is a citizen of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe, located in South Dakota (Dakota/Lakota).