by Dhara Katz

November 24, 2020

Ta’c léehyn (good day). My name is Kyle Pittman and I am of Nez Perce and Yakama descent. I decided to pursue graduate studies because I have been taught by my family and elders to hold education in the highest regards. I can recall my grandpa advising me to always strive for academic pursuits and to go as far as I can because an education cannot be taken away and will always benefit me no matter where I go in life. I realized that by empowering myself through graduate studies, I could gain the tools and knowledge necessary to make a real difference in both my personal life and my community. Once I completed my undergraduate degree, applying to graduate school—while I had the means to do so—was the next obvious step. I chose to study Tribal governance in particular as it builds upon my existing knowledge as an Indigenous person, but it also equips me with the ability to adapt this knowledge to different contexts so I can work toward solutions with the best interests of my community in mind. Qe’ci’yew’yew (thank you).
