by Lachezar (Lucky) Anguelov, PhD, MPA Faculty Member

June 7, 2021

Lucky Anguelov, MPA Faculty Member, recently published a co-authored peer reviewed article in the Journal of Emergency Management (JEM)’s Special Issue on COVID-19: Analysis of Pre and Post Disaster Response and Recovery During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic. In the article, Lucky Anguelov and his co-authors introduce how public procurement is managed under normal circumstances and how it changes during emergencies. The research team points out that easing procurement rules comes with necessary tradeoffs, particularly involving equity and accountability. Using case studies from recent disasters, Lucky Anguelov and his co-authors identify procurement and management recommendations for the COVID-19 response and future emergencies. The study concludes that public procurement is integral to effective management in the 21st century and must be treated as such in the study and practice of public administration and emergency management. Bill Radke of KUOW (Seattle’s NPR Radio Station) spoke with one of the co-authors (Dr. Ben Brunjes) about the pandemic procurement lessons we should learn for the future. You can listen to “The procurement puzzle: how to avoid shortages in a disaster” here.