by Rachel Homchick

April 16, 2020

Rachel Homchick (MPA‘19) was recently selected to be the Assistant Director of the Washington Center for Improving Undergraduate Education after a month long national search. With a sustained record of educational reform, the Washington Center, a public service center at The Evergreen State College, is a national resource to two and four year higher education institutions intent on creating equitable learning opportunities for all students through the strategic use of learning communities and other evidence based practices.

In this position, Rachel will work as a member of the team to strategically advance the national, regional, and local work of the Washington Center, supervise implementation of high-impact events and programs, and develop and implement marketing and strategic communication plans.

Before earning her MPA, she received a bachelor’s degree from the Evergreen State College. Rachel credits her education at Evergreen with teaching her skills in critical thinking, creative problem solving, and collaborative work style.

Before accepting the Assistant Director position, Rachel worked at the Washington Center in various capacities for seven years.